Chapter 10

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I opened the door to see Adam standing there in front of me. I took a deep breath and met his eyes. He gave me a curious look, not knowing why I looked so upset. I shook my head and grabbed his hand and pulled him to my bedroom, making sure I make our footsteps heard as we passed Bruno's door.

"What's going on Cara?" He asked me as I slammed the door shut to my room and turned to face him.

And then I knew what I had to do. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer to me and crashed my lips to his, at first he was surprised but then he started to kiss me back. His tongue ran over my lip begging for entrance and I let him in quickly. I ran my hand through his hair and I could feel his hand going under my shirt as he pressed me against the wall, then I really thought about what I was going to do.I like this boy. I like him a lot, and I don't want to use him to get back at someone as shallow as Bruno.

"Wait" I mumbled against his lips. I pulled away from him and his eyes met mine.

"What is it?" He asked me, "Is it because you're with Bruno?" He asked me. I gave a small laugh and pulled Adam over to sit next to me on my bed.

"I have something to tell you..and after you hear it I don't know if you're going to want me anymore" I told him honestly. He nodded.

So I told him everything.

"Wow" He said trying to let all the new information sink in. I nodded, I could only imagine what was going through his head.

"Well we're going to make it work" He told me, standing up and facing me, his hands on my waist.

"Are you sure? We're not going to be able to be seen in public and it's going to -" He stopped my by putting his hand over my mouth.

"I said, we're going to make this work" I smiled and he removed his hand and put it on the side of my face before leaning down to kiss me. He leaned on me slightly and I pulled him down to the bed next to me so we were laying next to each other. He put his arm around me and I pushed myself into closer to him.


Bruno's POV

I pushed her against the wall, whatever her name was. I kissed her forcefully as I slowly took her top off but stopped quickly when I heard the front door open.

I didn't know Cara was having a visitor..?

"Hello? Brunooo?" The girl in my room called to me, trying to move my face towards her. I pushed her hands away and walked over to the door and opened it a crack to see Cara leading that boy from the cafe to her room. I knew what she was doing. She would use him to make me jealous. It was obvious.

I closed the door and turned back to the girl that was now beyond annoyed.

"It's time for you to go" I told her, grabbing her clothes off the floor and tossing them to her. Her mouth dropped open in surprise and disgust and I tried to hold back a laugh.

"Seriously, it's time for you to go. I'll um call you" I told her, I lead her to the front door after she put her clothes back on and then opened the door for her and closed it quickly behind her.

Then I quietly made my way to Cara's bedroom door to only wished I hadn't. They were kissing, but it wasn't just kissing. It was leading up to sex kissing. Trust me, I would know.

I walked back into my room and slammed the door shut behind me and threw myself on my bed.

I wanted her here, now, with me.

Sorry it's so short! Still trying to figure out how this story will end.

Again I would love to answer any questions you have! Just comment them below! Don't forget to vote and comment!(:

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