Chapter 12

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Guys I'm really excited for this story. I know mostly how I want it to go! I hope you guys love it!(:

Cara's POV

I heard a knock on the bathroom door and I let out a sigh.

"Sky wants us to go out shopping today for a charity event. You need a dress" Bruno said. I closed my eyes and rubbed them, knowing that wasn't helping when they were already red and puffy. I stood up and opened the door to see Bruno standing there, his eyes were a little red too.

"Were you crying?" I asked him. He looked around quickly, trying to not meet my eyes. I rolled my eyes and shook my head in aggravation.

"I don't get it. Sometimes you act like you have feelings for me and then you don't just tell me how you feel or you have girls over. You can't act like it's unfair for me to be with somebody else when you're not even trying" I told him. I pushed my way past him and into my room. I quickly ran over to my laptop and opened up twitter and searched my name. I felt the need to see what everyone else was saying about me since Bruno though I was a prostitute.

She dresses like a homeless person.

She's not THAT ugly.

He could do so much better.

Her hair looks like a birds nest.

There should be a law that only pretty people can date celebs. This girl would never pass the test.

I read more after that and I didn't even realize when I started to cry. I wiped the tears away and went over to my closet. Fine. If Bruno and all his fans want a perfect girlfriend then that's what they'll get from me.

I threw clothes out of my closet and onto the floor. Looking for something edgy and perfect. I found a tight red dress and laid it down on my bed along with a pair of black floral tights and diamond studded platform boots. I swiped on some red lipstick and some black and gray eyeshadow. I put on some black heart earrings with diamond bows and grabbed a black clutch. I took my hair down from a bun and shook my head letting my hair fall down. I looked in the mirror and decided I looked like someone that should be dating a famous celebrity. I couldn't find a major flaw and I could only hope neither could the fans.


I walked out of my room and into the hallway where Bruno was waiting for me in a t-shirt and jeans. When he looked up at me his eyes went up and down my body and I tried not to show how awkward I felt from his stares.

"What are you wearing?" He asked surprised. He almost sounded disgusted.

"I'm wearing a dress Bruno." I said aggravated. What bothered me is that we both know that we could have been together if he had just manned up and told me how he felt. But he didn't and now it was too late.

"It's too much" He said.

"Well the fans don't think so. And if you want to tell someone how to dress than you should date them." I snapped. He shook his head and he followed me out the door and into the limo.


We arrived at the charity event around nine at night. I had taken hours for me to fine the perfect dress. When I had looked on twitter after making my new appearance there were more positive comments which made me smile in satisfaction. At least I had someones approval. The only thing that was driving me crazy was that I hadn't eaten all day. I didn't want to eat in front of the cameras so I just told Bruno I had grabbed something at home and he believed me. 

I stepped out of the limo and onto a red carpet leading into the building. I could see flash after flash as Bruno grabbed my hand and walked us toward the entrance. 

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