Chapter 20

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I just want to say thank you for all your support! I look forward to your feedback and support everytime I update! Make sure you vote and comment so I know what to write/add in the next chapter!(:


Bruno's POV

I stood in front of the love of my life, staring into her eyes that held all the hope in the world in them. Hope that I would choose her, our baby over my career. But was it just that easy? I had worked my whole life for what I have now. I worked night and day for months to make albums and write songs for my fans. My fans needed me, would it be fair to just leave them? They had done so much for me could I really just let them go so easily?

But Cara was having my child. She had my flesh and blood inside her right now, how could I just leave them behind? I didn't want to be someone my child grew up without. Someone they only heard stories about or saw on TV.

I stared back into Cara's eyes. I brushed her long brown hair behind her ear and rested my hand against her face.

"Cara this's not something I can just decide with a moment's notice" I told her. She nodded slowly.

"No, I didn't expect you to. Just please think about it" She told me. I nodded and brought my lips to her forehead, letting them linger for second before I met her eyes once again.

"I love you" I told her. She nodded.

"I love you too"


Cara's POV

I stood in front of a mirror, staring at my stomach that was supposed to contain Bruno's baby. I shook my head to myself. I can't believe I lied to him. I can't believe I was tricking the love of my life.

But I was doing it for all the right reasons.


I woke up in the hospital in a bed that was far from comfortable. I wiggled a little bit trying to get comfy and to get a look at my surroundings. As I scanned the room my eyes landed on a man who sat by the wall to the right of me.

"Why are you?" I asked him. He gave a quiet chuckle that sent shivers down my spine. He scared me but I couldn't go anywhere and I didn't know how to call a nurse in. There were so many buttons I didn;t know which was for what.

"Don't try to scream and get anyone to come in here or I'll kill him" He threatned me.

"Kill who?" I asked even though I was almost certain I knew who he meant.

"You know who" He said confirming my thoughts. I felt my heart skip a beat realizing that I truly was in danger. I looked him in the eyes, trying to act strong.

"What do you want from me?" I asked him. He gave a sick grin and stood up from his chair, taking a step towards me.

"It's not what I want from you, but what I want from your boyfriend. You just happen to be the way of getting it"

"What do you want from him?" I asked refraising my past question.

"Money. All of it" He told me.

"Why don't you threaten him? Why do you need me?" I asked him, knowing that if Bruno knew I was in danger he would do anything to protect me.

"Oh but that's not fun. I was thinking we could try something...a little more dramatic" He told me. I gave him confused look.

"The doctors will tell Bruno you're dead. Then we'll ambush him and bring him to you and you will say you're pregnant and tell him he can either stick with his career or join you in the witness protection program and his child that you're pregnant with. He will obviously choose you and then we will give you new identities and take his money. Leave you with enough to survive and be done with you" He told me, his eyes glinting with humor like he thought this whole thing was hilarious.

"But I'm not pregnant" I whispered to him.

"That's your problem sweetheart. Either you go with the plan or Mars dies" He said.

I looked down. I know what I need to do.

Ahhh yes I really did just do that even though I came up with it in the last five minutes. I seriously cannot plan out my books I just can't


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