Chapter 4

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I woke up the next morning in my bed. Which was weird because I knew I had fallen asleep in the library. At first I thought maybe Bruno had carried me, but I knew that he would never do that. Bruno was not a gentleman, not even close. He would never carry me back here, I must have been sleep walking or something.

I rubbed my eyes, not caring about my makeup that I never took off yesterday and stepped out of bed. I quickly threw my hair into a bun and went into the bathroom and did my makeup and brush my teeth. When I walked back out I had no idea what I was going to where because I hadn't packed anything. I walked over to the closet in front of my bed and opened it, and when I did I gasped.

There were clothes among clothes in all different colors and fabrics. I had never been a big shopper so I didn't have a lot of clothes. I had just enough and I was fine with that, but I had to admit that I was happy with all the clothes in front of me.

I changed into a pair of skinny jeans, a sweater that said 'I Wanna Dance With Somebody' (which was an amazing song by the way), and grabbed a pair of golden tan heels and a necklace with a gold feather. It looked nice and was super comfy so I was happy.


I walked out of my room and into the living room where a girl with long brown hair was sitting, luckily she didn't see me. I ran back towards Bruno's room and knocked on the door,  he stuck is head out just a little and then pulled me in and shut the door behind me.

"Who the hell is that?" I asked confused. He ran his hand through his hair which was a little too movie like for me and answered,

"A girl I fucked last night, she won't leave"

Then I thought, screw the list form last night.

"How about this," I started, " If you agree to not publically humiliate me, introduce me to any celebrity I ask you to and not make my life a living hell I will get rid of all the girls you want"

He paused for a second and thought about it before he began to smile.

"Deal" He said, putting his hand out. I shook it and then walked out of the room.

I walked over to the girl sitting on Bruno's couch and started to cry and scream.

"WHO ARE YOU? ONE OF HIS WHORES? HOW COULD HE DO THIS TO ME HE SAID HE LOVED ME" I screamed. She looked at me terrified and got up and grabbed her phone and rna out the door.

As the door slammed shut I heard Bruno come out of his room smiling.

"Nice working with you Cara"

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