Chapter 8

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Okay, so I've decided to do something fun for the story guys. I want you guys to make some fan art online of draw something for the story, you can make a photo edit or do anything cool and then post it online and comment the link on this chapter! And if I like it I will post it with the chapter! If enough people do it I'll post one for every chapter after this one! So get creative!

And I think for almost every chapter I'll do Cara's POV and Bruno's POV from the beginning of the chapter. So I'll Cara's POV of waking up and her day and then I'll do Bruno's POV and his day?

Cara's POV

I woke up that morning with the feeling of eyes on me, and sure enough when I opened my eyes there was Bruno, just staring at me.

"Did we...?"He said drifting off. I laughed.

"You wish" I told him, rolling my eyes. "When I came back last night you were passed out drunk on the floor and I put you in bed and then you begged me to stay with you" I told him.

He nodded and I could tell he was trying to remember that happening, but I knew that was highly unlikely.

"Bruno don't try to remember anything, you were way too drunk. By the way, how are you feeling?" I asked him.

"I'm fine, my head just hurts"

"How are you not puking your brains out?" I asked him. He shrugged like it wasn't super weird that he didn't throw up after drinking what must have been a bottle or two of vodka.

"I got a text from Sky my publicity manager, she wants us to go out today and take lots of pictures and post them. She has the whole day planned out for us" He told me. I groaned and squeezed my eyes shut, hoping when I reopened them all of this would just be a bad dream; but when I did open them Bruno's phone was held in front of my face as he leaned down and kissed my cheek. I moved away at his closeness and gave him a glare.

"Cara, this is for the fans. I wouldn't ever want to kiss someone like you, get over yourself" He snapped at me. I tried to pretend what he said didn't hurt as he took another picture, this time with both of us smiling. After I quickly got out of the bed and walked out of his room and into mine.

I got changed quickly, trying to fight back the tears that were threatening to fall.


I quickly brushed my hair and put it in a bun and swiped on some mascara and some eyeliner and went to the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar. It was going to be a long day.


Bruno's POV

I woke up to see Cara in bed with me and I knew last night was either really good or went really bad, and knowing our relationship, it was probably a horrible night.

I looked closely at her face. She had pale skin like porcelain, you could tell she didn't tan much. He skin was flawless and I knew she used a thousand products to keep it that way, and I knew she did that because she was already bullied enough at school. Her long brown hair cascaded down har back as she rose up and down, her breathing quiet. I could imagine her piercing green eyes, but they didn't look happy. That was most likely because we were always fighting and screaming.

That was the moment when it hit me. I could change for this girl. I could become a good boyfriend and a good person. I could hold her hand in public and tell other girls that I love her and tell them I'm sorry but she's the only one in my life. I could be the guy that I've always tried so hard not to be. But this girl, she's too good for me, and deep down I knew that.

She was the moon and I was the stars. There are millions of me, millions of famous people who try to be cool and be what everyone else wants. Everybody loves us for some reason even though we're just copies of one another, some just a little brighter than others. But then there was the moon. The one and only moon that could never be replaced, there are a couple people who look up at it, only a couple who really understand what the moon was worth, and I want to be one of those people.

But I was a star and she was the moon, in her world I'm tiny and insignificant but in my world, she's the only thing I see.

I felt my phone buzz on the side table and I saw the text was from Sky.

Planned a date for you two today, show off to the paparazzi and make sure you post a ton of pictures. A limo will pick you up at noon.

I looked at the clock and it was only ten. When I looked back at Cara she opened her eyes. I immediately tried to say something and the first thing that came to mind was,

"Did we..?" I asked. She laughed at me like I had asked if the grass was blue.

"You wish" She told me.

Yes. Yes I do I said to myself as she rolled her eyes.

"When I came back last night you were passed out drunk on the floor and I put you in bed and then you begged me to stay with you" She told me. I nodded trying to remember what had happened last night. The last thing I remembered was drinking a lot, then everything went black.

"Bruno don't try to remember anything, you were way too drunk. By the way, how are you feeling? She asked me. She almost sounded concerned.

"I'm fine, my head just hurts" I lied.

"How are you not puking your brains out?"She asked me astounded. I shrugged as I tried to hold my breath thinking that my help the nausea.

"I got a text from Sky my publicity manager, she wants us to go out today and take lots of pictures and post them. She has the whole day planned out for us"I told her. She groaned and squeezed her eyes shut as if she thought that would get her out  of it. I could see her in ruby slippers chanting There's no place like home, there's no place like home over and over until she finally realized that she wasn't going anywhere.

I grabbed my phone and went to take a picture of us leaning in to kiss her cheek. She cringed away quickly, giving me a glare.

"Cara, this is for the fans. I wouldn't ever want to kiss someone like you, get over yourself" I snapped at her, hoping that would keep her from being nice to me, I knew I couldn't be with her and I wasn't gonna make that feeling any worse.

I could see that I had hurt her and I felt bad, but I just leaned over and took the picture and posted it on twitter quickly.

She then got up and walked out of the room slamming the door behind her.

It was gonna be a fun day.

So hoped you liked it! Remember to use #ImNotHisGirl for a retweet and a follow! And also comment on THIS chapter with the link of your fanart or photoedit and it might be shown in the next chapter!(;

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