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Julian's POV

I was sitting in the police station with my little brother filling out paperwork work.

"Mr. Austin, your brothers were arrest on accounts of assault and your parents were on accounts of abuse , you have evidence correct?" The police officer asked.

"Yes, I was the only one with a phone, Harley was with us 6 months with occasional visits with the social worker. She went to school once a month and was there 2 hours, she never got to shower or eat, my brother was he best friend, so please don't separate her from him, we have no other family, the only person we have is Taylor," I explained through tears.

"You will eventually have to fight in court and testify, do you have a witness who will testify?" The police asked.

"I do, Taylor Allison Swift and Ashley Bea Miller," I said.

"Okay, tonight we will send James with DCFS, he will not be with his sister. Since she's not biological. Are you going to fight for custody rights?" The police asked.

"Absolutely for James, but Harley deserves better, someone like Taylor," I said. I have no idea if Taylor would even consider that.

"Then will start the process for fostering of James, and will call Taylor in a few days," they said.

"Oh thank you so much, now can I see my sister?" I asked.

"We can bring you, yes," the cop said and we left.

The older brother was sadden that he couldn't be with his younger brother, but he could see the young girl.


Taylor's POV

I was sitting in the room waiting for Harley to wake up. I saw a shadow over my body.

"Julian," I got up quickly and hugged him.

"She's not awake?" Julian questioned.

"No, sadly, not yet, said it might be awhile," I said to him.

"Wheres JJ?" I asked Julian.

"He's in custody of DCFS, but I'm fighting for him in court. Speaking of that, I hate to bug you, but will you testify?" Julian asked and I wrapped my arm around him.

"Of course I will, but why aren't you fighting for Harley?" I asked, my eyes sadden.

"Taylor to be honest she's better off with someone better, but I don't know who," He frowns.

"As much as I love being your neighbor, I think I might be able to pull some strings." I smiled at Julian.

The two had a moment of gaze and emotion. Blondie and the older boy hugged each other tightly.

"You'd really do that,"Julian reassured.

"I fell in love with your sister the moment I met her, how couldn't I?" I smile at him and I've leans his head on my shoulder.


Harleys POV

I was taken back my the brightness of the white walls. I look around and see my foster brother sitting in the chair. I shake in fear. Not noticing the person next to him. My eyes were wide. They both got up and started to come over to me. The girl holds my foster brother back.

"Y-y-your? T-T" I stutter.

"Hi, I'm Taylor," She smiled.

"Oh my gosh. T-t-thee Swift???" I say.

"Yes I am hon, so Harley Marie is it?" She asked me.

"Y-you know m-my n-n-name?" I questioned.

"You remember?" She asked and I ponder my head in confusion.

"Honey, we ran into each other the other day, you hit your head and nearly died. Your brother is the one who saved you," she told me, I look at Julian and though tears open my arms. He ran to me hugging me gently.

"I'm free? I escaped?" I cried.

"All with the help of Taylor," he said.

"Wow, Taylor Swift saved me?" I asked.

"And your brothers, James and Julian," Taylor said.

"Wha? Where's James?" I asked.

"He was taken into custody, and he's gonna be in a foster home for a while till I can fight for him," Julian explained and I made a "O" face silently followed by a frown.

"But? Where will I go?" I asked.

The young girl ponders when all of a sudden the phone rings.

Taylor's POV

my phone rang and I answered it. It was now 6 am and it was Joe calling. I moved out to the hall.

"Joe, she's okay, her memory is back, she's alive," I cried to him.

"Oh I'm so glad babe, so, like I said earlier, you are attached to her, so you want to consider foster parenting?" Joe asked, he sounded happy.

"Consider? Absolutely I do baby," I said happily to him.

"Talk to the social worker, and get the paperwork, and we can work from there," Joe said.

The blonde hangs up the phone and looks at the young girl with her blue eyes.

evermore {Taylor Swift AU}Where stories live. Discover now