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Julian's POV

"Well, the girl that Harleys hanging out with, is well? My sister? Biologically... and I don't know how to break it to James? Cause he still thinks my step dad is his real dad. Can you guys help me?" I asked.

"Of course Julian, we can definitely both help you," Harry said.

"No problem mate, we can break it down at dinner tonight," Ed said.

"Good, cause I want to get this done and over with, and I think Harley will be very excited to know that she has sisters," I chuckle. And next thing you know the show began.

They all enjoyed dancing around to the blondes concert

The concert was over, I found Julie and Patrick and hugged Karlie and Harley.

"Did you have fun?" I asked her.

"So fun!" She said bouncing up and down and we walked to the back of the stage.

"Hey Mom, I think I'm going to grab dinner with Ed, and Harry is that okay? James needs to come too," I said.

"That's fine hun, your sister is going to have a sleepover with Missy tonight, so it'll just be me and your aunt when you come back," Taylor said.

"Okay mom, I'll see you later," I said and went to find James and my uncles.

"Ready boys?" Harry said.

"Ready," my brother and I said and we went to find a restaurant.

The 4 guys walked the streets of London finding a restaurant to eat at

We made it to a Chinese restaurant, and got seated and ordered from the menus.

"So James, there's a specific reason why we brought you out tonight," I said.

"Yeah why's that?" James asked.

"Well for one Frank, is actually not your dad, you and I are full siblings, Jared and Justin are only half, we are about 97% sure, that Missys dad is our dad, therefore, Missy, Olivia and Everleigh are our sisters," I explained.

"So we have 2 brothers and 4 sisters?" James asked.

"Only if you want to consider them that, you don't have to accept Patrick in your life." I said honestly.

"Harley is my real sister, she always will be, I'd love to get to know our other sisters," James said.

"That's good, I was hoping for that answer, but are you willing to get a test with Patrick just to make sure?" I asked.

"I will, but Joe and Taylor are my parents," James said.

"You know and I know they will always be our parents, and Patrick is just the donor," I explained.

"Are you mad that you had to find out this way?" I asked.

"No, I kinda knew that Frank wasn't my dad. I look nothing like him," James said with laughter.

"Well atleast you got a good good uncles to huh? Foods here, let's eat," Harry said and we nodded. I texted Taylor

Text to Mom Taylor ♥️

It went well, he's not upset or anything, he wants to know what he's like, do you think we could all sit down at lunch tomorrow?

Sounds good Juls, I'll call Julie tomorrow and I'll tell Joe, I'm proud of how you handled this

Thanks mom, love you 🩷

I love you more my boy, I'm out right now with Sel and Kar, might be back a bit later

I know you were going to go out, have fun, get drunk, call me if you need anything 😂

I will my boy, see you later ❤️

We finished up eating and headed back to the hotel. Harry and Ed left and I was hanging out in my Nanas room with Austin and my Poppop.

I found Julie's phone number and I decided to give my biological father a call.

"Hello," he said.

"Hi this is Julian," I said.

"Oh hey son what's up?" He said.

"I was just calling to see if you were willing to take a paternity test just to confirm that you are my biological father, before any news gets out or Harley finding out" I asked.

"Course I can get on that right now, oh your sister Harley wants to say hi," he said, I could hear him handing the phone to Harley.

"Hey monkey? You having fun?" I asked her.

"Yeah! Missy and her sister and I are playing Roblox!" She said.

"Your favorite game! I'm glad your having fun," I said to her.

"I can't wait to see you tomorrow," I added.

"I can't wait to see you! I miss you already," she said.

"Well can I talk to Patrick before I go?" I asked and you her a soft "mhm" as she hands to phone to him.

"We should know results in 24 to 48 hours, but either way we're still in each others lives cause of Harley and Missy," Patrick said.

"Very true, I'd do anything to keep my sister happy," I said.

"Sisters," he said.

"I'm still getting used to that, of course they're my sisters," I said with a side laugh.

"Alright we'll I'll talk to you tomorrow, see you son," he said.

"Bye Patrick," I said hanging up.

"Who was that JD?" Austin asked me.

"Well, it's a weird story... Missy, Harleys new friend is actually well? My sister too... biologically... so that was my biological father,"
I explained.

"Your biological father?" Poppop questioned.

"Yeah... we kinda met today at the concert... Taylor knows. But Joe doesn't," I said.

"And how does Taylor feel about that?" Nana asked.

"She's okay with it! Her and Missys mom get along great," I said.

"Well that's good! I'm glad," nana said and I nodded.

"I'm going to go hang out in Moms room for a bit and do some work, I'll see you guys tomorrow?" I asked.

"That sounds good Juls, see you tomorrow," Nana said and kissed my forehead and I went to Taylor's room.

I went to my computer and opened up to an Email.

Meharry Medical College: Status Update

Oh boy... this was my top college for med school. I turned on my camera and hit record, I've been saving all these videos for Taylor's birthday in December.

Hi Taylor, another day, another video, today is October 15th, 2017 and today I find out if I made it into Meharry, now I'm extremely nervous because this is my top school, and want to fulfill my dream of becoming a doctor... so with out further a do, I'm going to open this email in 3... 2...

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