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Selena's POV

"What do you mean Sel?" Taylor asked.

"Taylor have you seen yourself? Your more attached now than before, I think Harleys even more confused. What is scaring you?" I asked her sitting on the bed.

"Sel I don't know, since she went missing I'm on such high alert with her, I just don't want it to happen again," Taylor explained. I hugged her.

"Oh Tay, I promise you, we all are taking care of her, and I think she needs a moment to process everything and I think that means alone time," I said.

"But I'm so scared she'll run again," Taylor said.

"Will make sure she doesn't Tay, shes also still very scared of this whole adoption, and actually feeling loved by a family," I explained.

"Karlie is worried about you Tay, and I know this situation with Joe is getting to you, everything is moving so fast," I added.

"I know, I just want her to be okay," Taylor said.

"It's going to take time Taylor, and she will get better as time goes on," I said.

"I'm so glad that your living here," Taylor said and I hugged her.

"I am too," I said and I got up and went downstairs.

Julian's POV

I finished getting dressed and went downstairs.

"Mom and aunt Sel, please, do not embarrass me tonight," I say.

"Julian why would I embarrass you?" Karlie asked.

"You're my mom, why wouldn't you," I said.

"I'm not like Taylor," Karlie defends.

"Okay, one thing can you do is order pizza?" I asked.

"I'm on it," Selena said.

*knock knock*

"I'll get it," I said and walked over to the door.

"Hi Maddi," I said going to hug her.

"Hey Lian!" She hugged back.

"Bentley!" I said and hugged him.

"Mom can you get James please," I called to Karlie.

"Yeah!" Karlie said.

"Please come in," I said and she came in with Bentley and James came down.

"Hey Bents!" James said. They went off.

"We can go in the living room, my Moms getting pizza for us," I said walking to living room.

We sat down and I put on the notebook.


Mom gave us Pizza. Harley was hanging out with James and Bentley.

I fake yawn and put my arm around Maddi, she leans into my shoulder.

Karlies POV

Taylor finally came downstairs and her face was red.

"Taylor? Babe have you been crying?" I asked her and she nodded and I hugged her kissing her cheek.

"Oh babe, it's gonna be okay, she's fine, she's with Bentley and James right now," I said.

"Where's Lian?" Taylor asked.

"Living room with Maddi, they're watching the notebook," I said. Taylor walked over and peaked into the living room.

evermore {Taylor Swift AU}Where stories live. Discover now