Chapter 2

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I woke up and met with Niel, Petalia and Finnick. We ate breakfast and then we were immediately rushed out.


After being plucked, ripped and polished at I was sitting on a table in a weird gown. A man with black hair and blue eyes walked in with three women behind him.

"Hello dear, I am Marcus Dubra. I am your stylist for the chariot entrance today. You are quite feirce my dear. Which I am going to show the crowd and tributes." he said confidently.

I smiled and nodded as he left to design my outfit. A while later he came back. with a black dress with grey, making it look like it had smoke on it, and a pair of black fish net gloves. His assistents did my make up and made me look 'fierce' as they put it. I looked in the mirror. I indeed looked like a girl who could kill with just a stare, yet everyone, except my brother, thinks I'm weak. Oh boy how they are wrong.

I reluctantly slid on the black heels that Finnick gave me and I was on the chariot. As we entered the room filled with many, many people, cheering erupted louder as an unforgettable smoke, literally rose from my dress making everything come to life. I did my best to look fierce. Niel, out of fright, which he didn't show, grabbed my hand, which made the crowd cheer louder. When District 12 entered, the cheering got louder and I looked to the screen above and noticed that they were on fire. 'Fake.' I said to myself. I remember seeing a long time ago that they used coal outfits to put fake flames, making it look realistic.

They introduced every thing like always and then we went back into the opposite room where we started. Finnick immediately grew ten times happier towards me.

"My dear, you looked so fierce. Amazing, magnificent!" he cried happily. I smiled. "Yeah but it would've been nice if you had told us about the smoking dress." I said jokingly. District 12's girl was glaring at me. Harsh much.

I walked over to her and her partner. "Hello, I'm Felix. Quite a show you put on out there. Glad you didn't 'burn'." I said smiling. "Yeah. I'm Peeta." the blonde said holding his hand out. I shook it. His mentor, Haymitch, as I remember from Petalia, came over. He glanced at me wearily and pointed out the careers staring down the two.

"Who's the blonde?" I asked Haymitch. "Cato. He's a career. Careers are trained to kill. You have some competition." He replied. I nodded. "Well lets make 'friends' shall we?" I said smiling mischieviously. Haymitch let out a slight chuckle but led his tributes away. I walked away and back to Niel, who was now the victim of Catos stare.

I walked up to him. "Listen here 2, stop staring at my brother. It's quite rude and creepy. Hmm I wonder if you're gay." I said the last part to myself knowing it would irritate him. He mumbled some profanities that I shall not repeat. I smirked and walked back to our rooms.


Sorry it's so short! ;D ~Hannah xx

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