Chapter 9

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He ran to the cornucopia and climbed on top of it. "Come on Felix!" He yelled to me. I hit the last mutt just as it bit my side. I collapsed to the ground, pain taking over my body. I heard poor old Thresh scream and three cannons went off. 'Huh? Those must be Thresh and Fox face's cannons...Wait if there's three then the Gamemakers must think I'm dead I might just get out of here alive!' I thought to myself. The gamemakers thought I was dead and so did Cato.

I laid "dead" on the ground as Cato ran towards me. He held my body in a hug, which was weird for him. I was suprised that I managed to make myself look like I was dead. My side hurt like hell but I couldn't do anyhting until this was all over. Something in my ear buzzed and then I remembered that Marcus put something in my ear. "Felix. They don't know you're alive. Stay like that until someone wins then get on the hovercraft quickly. Got it?" Marcus' voice rang into my ear.

'An ear bud. The stupid genius.' I heard screaming and running. Since I was practically hidden in the cornucopia I was safe. I heard Cato talking and growling of the mutts.

I heard Cato scream and the sound of him falling. Thats it. I got up and ran out throwing knives at all the dog like creatures. They all died and disappeared.


Again I aoplogise for shortness. Don't complain because yeah this is going to be completed by tonight. ~Hannah xx

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