Chapter 6

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~~~~~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I heard someone coming near us. "Duck!" I yelled and Niel dodged the spear just in time. I threw a knife and hit the boy from district 8 in the chest. He fell to the ground and the cannon went off.

I went over and pulled the knife out. "Sorry." I whispered. I got up and grabbed Niels hand. I hated hurting people but if its to protect myself or my brother then I'm willing to do it. We continued running, rabbit in my pack, and headed towards a river. Once we found it we sat by the river and started a fire. I cooked the rabbit and we both ate. There were some left overs so I put them in the pack after cleaning them from blood.

"Niel I'm going to go hunting again, okay? Stay here and don't move. If someones coming call me quickly and I'll be here. Use the knife to protect you." I said before grabbing my extra knives and walking away. I remembered the path I took so I oculd get back.

I only managed to find a squirrel when I heard a scream.

"Niel!" I said to myself frantically. I ran as fast as I could and then a cannon went off. I froze out of shock. 'Maybe it was someone else.' I thought hopefully.

I ran so fast that I was almost there in seconds. I stopped at the scene. Tears welled up in my eyes but I refused to let them go. On the ground was Niel, tears streaking his face and the knife gripped firmly in his hands.

I ran towards him and looked around. No one was there. I saw the knife implanted into his chest deeply. "Niel." I whispered. A single tear escaped my eye. I gently pulled the knife out.

I kissed his forehead and then stood up. I took the knife that was used to kill him and threw it at the nearest tree. I was enraged.

"Don't worry Niel, I'll get whoever did this back. I promise." I said in a quiet tone. I grabbed the supplies, leaving Niels dead body. I had all the knives in my vest, boots and belts, my pack on my back.

I began walking carelessly. I came across the cornucopia which had all the supplies stacked into a pyramid. No one was there, except for a kid with a spear.

I walked up to him, as he spotted me fear flashed through his eyes. I smirked.

"Listen, I won't kill you but you better tell me who killed my brother or I swear to god you wont see the sun ever again." I said angrily. He looked scared.

"It was M-Marvel." He stuttered. "That little bast*rd. You're fine, but if I find you come near me I'll murder you." I said before grabbing a sword from the pile and expertly dodging the mines. I ran to the other side to see Katniss crouched down with her bow. I ran to the far side of her and walked closer.

"Katniss." I said and she turned towards me. I held my hands up in defense.

"If you're going to blow that stuff up I'd do it now." I said pointing to the opposite side where you could faintly see the careers. She nodded and shot twice at a bag of apples before they fell and set off the mines. Cato walked up to the boy and snapped his neck. I flinched. Where's Marvel?

Katniss and I silently walked back. "Im Felix." I said holding my hand out. "Katniss." she replied. I nodded. She whistled and the mockingjay copied her actions.

"KATNISS! KATNISS!" A young voice screamed. That could only mean Rue! I'm not letting another child be killed. I ran ahead of Katniss and we both got the net off of Rue.

Rue stepped back and a spear went right through her. I turned around. "Marvel!" I said. I got up and went after him. I pinned him to the ground.

"You kill my brother?" I asked holding the knife up to his neck. "N-no." he stuttered. "Don't lie, you'll only make things worse Marvel." I said dangerously.

"I just want to go home. I have to kill everyone to win and go home." He said. "That doesn't mean you kill a defensless child! He was my only god damn family!" I screamed in his face.

"You're ruthless. You didn't do it because you have family to go back to, you did it because you thought I wouldn't be able to kill you. You're so wrong." I said standing up. He went to run away but I threw a knife and it hit his back and he collapsed.

"Told you." I muttered before two cannons went off. "Rue." I whispered quietly. I went back over and saw Katniss crying. I sat down beside her.

"They were only children." I said to myself. Katniss looked at me and sympathy washed over her face. I shrugged.

"I'm going to go find Cato and Clove. Good luck." I said to her and she nodded. It didn't take me long to find Clove and Cato sat by a fire. I leaned against a tree behind them.

This should be fun.

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