Chapter 2

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The Next Day

It was a mostly quiet morning inside the Johnson house, as Maxis and Tyler were probably asleep in their rooms, while Kyle was sitting in the living room, on the couch, with his girlfriend, Shannon Cipher, who had spent the night after drinking.

The lovely couple were watching some random show on TV, at least they were before someone hurriedly came into the living room. That person was Kyle's sister, Maxis.

Without saying a word, Maxis quickly scanned the room and found what she was looking for. The television remote. She quickly snatched it up and changed the channel.

Obviously, it didn't go unnoticed by the other two in the room, which was evident by Kyle scoffing and muttering a few incoherent noises before actually saying anything.

"Hey Gremlin! We were watching that!" Kyle protested.

Maxis waved him off, "shut up and look." She responded, motioning to the TV.

Kyle and Shannon's attention went back to the TV, seeing that Maxis had changed the channel to the news and soon enough, they realized why.

On the TV there was a News Reporter  and the three noticed that the Reporter was standing in front of Evan's house they also notice that, at the bottom of the tv screen there was text that read "Reported Body inside the Fong's Residence".

The three would sit there in shock, being left speechless at what had just been shown on TV. After a few moments, Kyle would speak up.

"That's fucked up because i just talked with Evan last night on the phone." Kyle said as he sat there, not sure what to think of the news that he and the others just heard.

As they sat there, Maxis noticed that her phone was ringing and saw that it is was from the police station. She got the feeling that it was the Chief calling her.

Taking a few seconds to leave the room, Maxis finally answered her phone. After a few minutes, Maxis walked back into the living room, noticing that both Kyle and Shannon had watched her walk back in.

"Just the chief." Maxis explained, "they're having me work on this case." She added, pointing to the TV, which was still reporting Evan's death.

"Kinda lucky?" Kyle said, "in some kind of twisted way..." He added, watching the other two look at him, "I mean, I couldn't think of a better person to help investigate and maybe even solve Evan's possible murder than one of his friends..."

Maxis nodded, "oh yeah, the chief also said that you need to come to the station." She said, pointing to her brother.

"What? Why?!" Kyle asked, being both confused and a little nervous.

Maxis shrugged, "He didn't give me a chance to ask..."

"I'm sure it's nothing!" Shannon said, rubbing the backs of her boyfriend's hands to calm his nerves.

Maxis nodded in agreement, "if I had to guess, it's probably just some simple questioning, since that's what we do with everyone else who knows someone that's been killed."

"Well, i better get myself ready." Kyle said as he goes upstairs to change, before coming back down and getting ready to leave with Maxis.


Kyle pulls the 4Runner into a parking space at the police station. The two siblings would then walk into the station, where Maxis would take her brother to one of the interrogation rooms, since that was the usual thing to do.

"I'm going to go tell the others that you are here." Maxis said, as she left the room closing the door behind her.

Kyle sat down in a chair and sighed as he waited for someone to come back to talk to him. A couple minutes had passd and Kyle now heard the sounds of footsteps approaching the door, the footsteps were followed by a knock on the door, and then the door was soon being opened by someone.

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