Epilogue #2

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"Wait a minute..." A confused males voice said, "So for your creative writing final, you wrote a trilogy of stories about us in a Scream inspired AU? And in the last one, you had not only me be a Ghostface, but my imaginary, future daughter be a Ghostface as well?"

"Yup!" A female's voice replied with a giggle.

The two voices belonged to Kyle and Maxis Johnson. The siblings were sitting around a campfire with their older brother, Tyler, and some of their friends.

"And you had him murder me?" Tyler asked, pointing at Kyle.

Maxis nodded and giggled again, "relax guys, it's literally just a story."

"Don't listen to them Maxis, I loved the stories." Another female's voice said, this one belonging to Kyle's girlfriend, Shannon.

"Thank you, thank you." Maxis did a little bow in her seat.

"Well, what did you get on it?" Evan's voice asked, having wanted to know what score Maxis received.

"I got an 74%, apparently the professor thought I should've used fictional characters." Maxis said, having shrugged.

"I agree." Kyle mumbled but then laughed afterwards, with the group descending into a light laughter afterwards.

When the laughter died down, their conversation changed into discussions about their plans for the future, considering most of them had just graduated and received their college degrees. After they were done discussing that, they talked about other things as they spent the rest of the night sitting around the campfire, just trying to make these moments last forever...


And that concludes book 3 and the series overall. Thank you all for coming on this journey with us through each book. We hope you've enjoyed reading these books as much ad we did writing them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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