Chapter 9

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Having walked up to the front door, Maxis placed her hand on the knob and slowly turned it, opening the door and entering the house. Upon setting foot inside the house, Maxis was greeted by the red headed Shannon, who had been sitting on the couch.

"Work kept you all night?" Shannon asked.

Maxis nodded, "I'm not even done, either." She stated, "in fact, my work is why I'm here right now."

"Oh?" Shannon questioned, having raised a brow, "is there something wrong?"

Maxis nodded as she made her way to the couch, so that way she could tell Shannon the news. Shannon could tell that it was something serious, due to how Maxis looked and how she walked over.

"Late last night, your cousin Brian and his friend, Brock, were attacked in the parking garage of Blackwood Hotel." Maxis said, watching as Shannon's eyes widened, "Brock was, sadly, killed. Brian, however, survived and is currently being held at the hospital."

Shannon sat there in silence for a few moments before finally saying something, "do they know who did it?"

Maxis shook her head, "not really." She said while watching Shannon frown, "however, I do have a sneaking suspicion that it's someone looking to replicate the Ghostface attacks from a couple years ago."

Shannon's eyes widened once again, "what?!" She asked, being horrified to hear that Ghostface could be back.

Maxis nodded, "while there's no solid proof that that's what's happening, it's pretty likely in my mind." She said, pausing for a second and then continuing, "With how close together all of the recent deaths and attacks have been, and also given the fact that at least one of us knew each victim." She explained.

Shannon nodded as she sat there in silence. She had been horrified and scared that her cousin was attack and that his friend was murdered. And now, she was even more scared at the fact that Ghostface could possibly be back in their lives and have been responsible for all of the recent attacks.

The two females would sit there in silence, although Maxis would also try to silently comfort the red headed female, because she understood how hard it was to hear that Brock and Brian had been attacked.

After taking the time to make sure Shannon was alright, Maxis looked at her phone and sighed, "I think I should be getting back to work." She said, beginning to get up from the couch.

Quickly taking a sip of her tea, Shannon stopped Maxis, "wait Maxis... There's something that i have to tell you..."

Maxis turned back around and sat back down on the couch. She had a brow raised as she was intrigued by what the red head had to say.

Shannon took a deep breath, "I'm... I'm pregnant, Maxis..." She said, a smile coming over her face.

Maxis' eyes widened as she sat there. It was now her turn to be speechless from the news. However, her speechlessness didn't last for too long.

"I'm going to be an aunt?" Maxis asked in disbelief, a smile finally forming on her face as she realized that Shannon was telling her the truth.

After a few moments of letting the news sink in, Shannon and Maxis both got up and engulfed each other in a hug. Even though there was still a murderer on the loose, Shannon's news helped lighten the mood.


It had been a couple of hours since Maxis went back to work, leaving Shannon alone in the house. At the current moment, the red head was sitting on the couch, again. She had a pen and notepad in her hand. On that notepad was a list of ideas on how she could tell Kyle that she was pregnant with his child.

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