Chapter 8

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After a somewhat long day at the station, Maxis was on her way home. As she drove, she thought back on the day, being happy about the fact that John managed to pull some strings and get her involved in the investigations around the recent deaths, especially considering she either knew or was related to the three victims.

Pulling into Shannon's driveway, Maxis shut off her car and sat there for a few moments. After making sure she had everything, Maxis climbed out of the car and entered her temporary house.

When she opened the door, she was greeted by a familiar sight. It was Shannon and she was making dinner. That was the typical routine, ever since Maxis and Kyle had to come stay at Shannon's house. However, that wasn't the only thing that Maxis was greeted with.

Pausing for a moment, Maxis stared at the kitchen table, seeing that there was someone already seated. It was her brother, Kyle. Having to do a double take, Maxis eventually realized that her eyes weren't playing tricks on her and that her brother was really sitting at the table, scrolling through his phone.

A small smile crept onto Maxis' face as she walked past the kitchen and went to her temporary bedroom. It was clear that she was happy at the fact that her brother was no longer locked away in the other bedroom.

Only taking a few moments to get changed, Maxis came back to the kitchen and sat down at the table. She took a seat in her usual chair and watched as Shannon set out their dinner for the night.

Even though everyone ate in silence, you could tell that both Maxis and Shannon were happy about Kyle joining them, even if he didn't say anything.

"I'm glad you're here." Maxis finally said, looking at her brother.

Kyle nodded, he paused for a moment before speaking, "I figured I should, since I have to face the real world and go back to work tomorrow." He said.

"Already?" Shannon asked.

Kyle nodded again, "Jaren would kill me if he had to cover for me any more than he has."

After the somewhat brief conversation, the group of three fell silent again as they finished their dinner. When Maxis got done with setting her plate in the sink, she felt her phone vibrating.

Pulling out her phone, Maxis saw that it was John. She left the kitchen and went to answer the call. John told her about the recent murder and attack at Blackwood's hotel and asked her to come investigate with him.

"I'll be right there." Maxis stated before heading back to her room to change into more suitable clothing and then she left the house, heading towards the hotel.


Upon getting to her destination, Maxis parked her car on the side of the street. That was as close as she could get to the hotel and it's parking garage, due to the fact that there was a crowd of people, including news crews and police officers, surrounding the hotel and the parking garage.

Shutting her car off, Maxis got out and began to push her way towards the parking garage. As she got to it's entrance, she noticed that it was being blocked off by officers and those wooden police barricades.

"Sorry Miss, you can't come back here." An Officer said, not recognizing that Maxis was a fellow officer, because they were a state trooper.

Luckily, detective John Keyes had been nearby. He came over to Maxis and the officer, "It's okay, she's with me." He explained, before bringing Maxis behind the police barriers.

Walking through the parking garage, Johm would explain to Maxis what he had found, "a deceased person, who was shoved in the trunk of a car, and one person who suffered serious stab wounds."

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