Chapter 10

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The Next Week

It had been a full week since Shannon's Ghostface attack. She was still at Blackwood's hospital and no arrests, regarding her attack, had been made. Her attack, along with the other recent attacks and deaths were still being studied and investigated by Maxis and John.

At the current moment, Maxis sat inside John's office, having taken a seat by the desk. She was looking over some of the files, as she waited for John to arrive.

Eventually, John did show up, bringing a cup of coffee and a couple of donuts for Maxis and himself. When he got settled at his desk, the two of them began to discuss their plans for the day.

"Since we visited the crime scenes for Fong's and Jones' deaths yesterday and the day before, I think we should continue and go to your house, so we can re-investigate the scene of Tyler's death." John stated.

Maxis hesitated for a moment, at the mention of her oldest brother, Tyler. However, she eventually nodded in response.

After taking a sip from his cup, John spoke again, "And then tomorrow we go to the hotel parking garage and re-investigate Cipher's cousin and friend's attack."

Maxis nodded again, "sounds good to me." She replied while setting the disposable coffee cup down on the desk.

John nodded back, "speaking of which, how's your other brother doing?" He asked, being genuinely curious.

"Well, he hasn't left the hospital property since Shannon's attack." Maxis replied, "the only time he leaves the building is when visiting hours are over, and then, he just goes out into the parking garage and into his car, where he waits until he can go back inside the building."

John nodded and the two of them continued to discuss their plan for the day until they were eventually ready to leave and heading out the door of the police station.

As Maxis walked to her car, she turned towards John, "I'm going to make a quick stop at the hospital, so you can go ahead and start investigating before I get there." She said, watching as John nodded and then the two of them got into their cars and drove off.


After a little bit of driving, Maxis finally made it to the hospital. She would enter the hospital's pakring garage and park next to Kyle's 4runner. When that was done, she goyboutbof the car and headed towards the entrance to the hospital.

With a brief walk inside, Maxis was at Shannon's room and door. She would knock on the doorframe and then enter the room, where she'd be greeted by the red headed female.

" Hi Maxis," Shannon said with a bright smile on her face.

"Hey," Maxis said with a nod, before looking around and noticing that her brother wasn't in the room, "Where's Kyle?" She asked.

Shannon shrugged, "I honestly don't know. He wasn't in here when I woke up." She stated.

Maxis nodded as she took a seat in one of the chairs, however she did find it a bit strange, as she knew Kyle had to be at the hospital, since his 4runner was in the parking garage.

"Maybe he's is visiting my cousin on the other side of the hospital,  since he is still recovering from his own attack." Shannon said, trying to think of where Kyle could've gotten to before she woke up.

Maxis nodded and pulled her phone out, deciding to text Kyle. After that, the two females would begin chatting about different things, including  the baby and how excited Shannon was about having hers and Kyle's baby.



After leaving the station, John arrived at the Johnson's house. Deciding to take Maxis' advice, John got out of his car and proceeded to head towards the house.

Pulling away the yellow caution tape, which was still closing off the front door, John stepped inside. The house had practically been abandoned by Kyle and Maxis, after the death of their older brother.

Even though Tyler's death occured in the bathroom, John started out looking in the kitchen, as the detective didn't want to "leave no stone unturned."

Not surprising to him, John didn't find anything new in the other rooms of the house. The only room that was left was the bathroom. John made his way to the bathroom and turned the knob, since the door had been closed.

John's eyes widened and he muttered a quick, "what the fuck?," once the door was open.

The thing that surprised John so much, was a Ghostface mask. It was laying on the floor, in the dried blood from Tyler's body. That definitely wasn't there when the death originally happened and John knew that.

Pulling his phone out, John snapped a quick picture and sent it to Maxis, with another text soon following behind it, telling her to come ASAP, due to having possibly found new evidence.

Once his texts were sent, John decided to go back to his car, as he wanted to wait for Maxis to show up before he went any further with their investigation. As John sat in the driver's seat of his car, a gloved hand covered/wrapped tightly around his mouth.

John quickly looked in the rearview mirror, seeing that Ghostface was in his car. Before he could even react, Ghostface pulled out their knife and proceeded to stab John in his abdomen at least five or six times.

The blonde haired detective tried to fight back and squirm out of Ghostface's tight grip, however it wasn't going too well, especially with how much pain John felt with each stab.

Ghostface must've grown tired of John's attempts to escape because they stopped stabbing his abdomen and plunged their knife into John's neck.

That was the moment where John's body slumped over but Ghostface didn't stop there. The masked murderer ripped their knife through John's neck, letting his blood spurt all over the car's interior. Only then did Ghostface retrieve their knife and wipe their blade clean.

When Ghostface was done with that, they got out of the car and opened the driver's door. They'd grab John's limp body and carry it into the Johnson's house, having closed all of the doors behind them...


Well damn poor John, hopefully the others will be okay and what is Ghostface doing carrying John's body into the house? We shall see in the next one, we hope that you enjoyed this chapter!

Scream 3 (Banana Bus Squad + OCs)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang