Full House

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Info incase I forget shit:

Soph= she/they saxophone player
Ace= They/them, mellophone player
Alias= she/him/they percussion player/guitar player
Soft= they/them piano player
Sour= he/they percussion player, specifically drums

I'm so sorry if you all aren't band kids, but you guys are now (Also these are based off of vibes and things that I know)

October 1, 2023, 5:38 PM

"So this is your closet?!" Aimsey asked with amusement as she walked in.

"Yeah!" Ranboo said, closing the door behind them as everyone walked in.

The trio's eyes seem to light up.

"Can we touch shit?" Bill asked, knowing that Ranboo almost started panicking when Aimsey touched their violin.

"Yeah, sure, I was about to pick an outfit for tomorrow anyway." Ranboo shrugged while picking up a random white t-shirt.

"Nono. Put that shirt down. That's plain as hell." Guqqie said, making Ranboo put down the shirt, "For an artistic person, you have the most boring style ever."

"I know you did NOT just say that when you're in MY house." Ranboo returned.

"Nuh uh, we're picking your outfit now." Bill told the other while flipping through heir things.

Ranboo chuckled, so this is what having real friends is like.

"Oh! What about this!" Aimsey pulled out a striped sweater.

The stripes were thick.

It wasn't like every centimeter it was another color.

Ranboo actually forgot he had that sweater.

The sweater had 2 colors, 1 dark blue color that was close to black but not quite, although you could still tell it was blue, kinda like a navy blue but darker, and the other color was just a cream (stfu I know what you're thinking) white.

"And then.. Guqqie pulled out some random brown converse Ranboo drew black leaves on, "I don't know why, but it just fits the vibeeeee!" Guqqie pointed out, dragging the E.

"And then.." Bill pulled out some random flared jeans, again, Ranboo also forgot he had those.

"And then we need an under shirt.." Aimsey flipped through Ranboo's shirts, a certain one catching her eye.

"OH MY GOD! YOU LISTEN TO TV GIRL TOO?!" Aimsey shouted like an excited dog seeing treats.

The other 3 flinched at the certain screaming, Aimsey was the one to randomly scream and say, "I just felt like it." But it was still unexpected.

"Uhm- Yeah.."

"What's your favorite song?!" Aimsey was now gripping Ranboo's shoulders.

"Ok.. Don't judge me for this one.." Ranboo paused as Aimsey stared at them like an impatient toddler.

"It's cigarettes out the window." Ranboo finished.

Aimsey stared at them.

"OH MY GOD!! SAME!!" She screeched, shaking Ranboo.

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