Im sorry, Matthew and Charlie.

103 9 66

October 13, 2023, 9:21 AM

Ranboo felt a pounding in their head as they tried to get up.

They didn't want to get up.

The comfiness of what seemed like a mattress was soft, and the blanket was even warmer.

Although, they had to get up.

Forcing their eyes open, Ranboo took a look at their surroundings.


This was..

Not their room..?

Ranboo tried to get up.

Emphasis on tried.

Something was holding them down.

2 arms around their waist..?



Ranboo immideatly pried the arms off of them, only know realising that they were literally fully nude.

"What the hell-" Ranboo said under their breath, trying to push aside the head ache.

Ranboo turned to find their clothes.

They turned around to see Tommy.

Tommy fucking Minecraft also naked.

Ranboo felt their breath hitch.

They felt tears running down their cheeks.

"No.." They hissed, trying to stop the tears as they got dressed.

They managed to find a nearby mirror, only now seeing their hair.

It was fucked.

Their hair was fucked up, so was their goddamn neck, and it also hurt to walk.

The tears stung as Ranboo walked out of the room.

The TV was on..?

"Ranboo? Why are you still here?"

Ranboo remembered this person.

What was their name?

It was like..


"Zero..?" They managed to choke out.

"Woah- what happened?" Zero asked as they paused the TV.

"I- I-" Ranboo couldn't get anything out as Zero ran over to hug them.

"Calm down.. Uhm.. Alias is making some breakfast.. Actually.. No, they aren't. They're buying it.. But you know.. I can call them to get another serving?" Zero offered.

Ranboo shook their head.

"I-I gotta get home.." They said, patting themself down for their phone.

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