
112 10 41

October 7, 2023, 6:24 PM

Ranboo stared at the canvas while he sat on the wooden stool.

What did Guqqie mean by changing it?

Well, they know what she meant.

But how?

Scratch that.

They know that, too.


Easter eggs?

Ranboo sighed as he stared down at their paint pallet.

The paint sat on the nearby table that was as low as the stool.

Ranboo picked up their pencil.

What can they do?

Ranboo picked up their phone, opening Spotify.

TV girl.

'My girl Liddy used to always smoke'

'Cigarettes when she couldn't sleep'

Ranboo found themself drawing 4 bodies, one leaning against the bed, one on the stool, one standing by the person on the stool, and one jumping on the bed with a huge grin.

Ranboo chuckled at the 4 anatomy figures, soon drawing a box next to the person leaning against the bed.

They soon changed their hand from being to their side to holding something and eating it.

'Cigarettes, cigarettes out the window'


'Cigarettes, cigarettes out the window'


Ranboo found themself drawing medium length hair for the person jumping on the bed, bouncing up and down.


That's not good enough.

Ranboo erased the top half and made it into a beanie.

Ranboo couldn't help but chuckle, this reminded them of something.

Drawing hair on another person, he drew short split hair on the one leaning on the bed.

Moving over to the 2 people, both of them were turned around.

Ranboo drew short but long-ish hair for the person sitting in front of the canvas and shoulder-length hair for the person sitting beside the other.

Ranboo picked up 3 bottles of paint for the skin color.

One pale-ish color, one slightly darker, and one a lot more darker for shading.

They picked up a paint brush, making sure it was a small enough brush and dipped it into the pale-ish color.

'Poor little Liddy, she wishes it was dark'

'But it's never really dark in LA'

They finished shading, managing to use up all the paint.

They picked about 10 colors.

This dirty blonde type of yellow, pale yellow, black, brown, and a bright pink, making sure they got the darker version of each color.

Humming to the words of the song, they kept on painting the people's hair.

'We'll find moonlit nights'

'Strangely empty'


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