part 2

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Dr Annabelle

Some people might call me a workaholic or introverted but i loved my work. I had to make sure everyone was doing their part and read through files to check for any mistakes. Check all the financial stuff and see through the waiting list. I was always busy actually that's why sometimes I stayed at the office drinking a lot of coffee

Caffeine kept me going for a whole day at the age of 30. Thinking about my age made me want to puke because It meant i was getting old, alone. But i found pride in knowing i won't be one of those old ladies with 20 cats to keep them company, i did not like animals. That went from seeing them to eating them. It just made me grimace, the idea of eating something dead never sat well with me

I had a huge house, two cars and a good paying job. I just had to live my life exactly the way it was till I got old

My days always went the same way. It was a routine.

Sleep for 6 hours

Wake up routine


Get ready for work

Drive there and start my day solving the same problems then go home and force food down my throat. Then start over again, It was perfect.

I finished arranging files from size to color and names in alphabetical order reading through them.

"A man named George and his daughter are requesting to see you" Marilyn, my assistant informed me through my work phone

"Send them in"

I wanted to scream and throw a tantrum like a little kid kicking on the floor but i did not like dirt. Who knows how many germs are on the floor then i would have to be hospitalized and i hated hospitals plus my everyday schedule would be ruined

So i sat there waiting with a twitching eye. He walked in without knocking

He held his hand out . I looked at him trying to understand what he wanted me to do with that hand.

His nails were dirty and long

His hands were big and rough

He was sweating so his hand was sweaty too

Then....he scratched his dirty lice breeding beard

"You can both take a sit" i said looking at the young girl who was standing behind him. She did not offer her hand which i was grateful for and that made me want to see if she had offered her hand, would i have felt as nauseated as i felt when her father did it?

Her shoes were dirty and ger laces were tied like a kid did it for her. Her legs were thin and unshaved, she was wearing a summer dress with a denim jacket. I noticed every thread that pocked out and her hair that was not treated, not trimmed, oily too. Her forehead was a little bit sweaty, golden eyes, sharp jaw and lips coated with just gloss

At least her eyebrows are trimmed

"This is my daughter, Valentina" George said. I was sure he said something before that but if it did not catch my ears it was irrelevant

"Nice to meet you. I'm Doctor Annabelle. I'm going to be your new psychiatrist" I watched the girl's movements. First she shifted in her seat, swallowed then brought her fingers to her mouth.

I mentally gagged but my face showed nothing. It was a technique i learned at a young age. Showing your reactions was stupid. I was not stupid.

"Nice to meet you too" her eyes moved around avoiding eye contact and then she shifted again. Her eyes were dilated and she was sweating, fidgeting even more

Doctor Annabelle Where stories live. Discover now