part 18

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Valentina's POV

I don't think I have ever been this drawn to a human. To the extent of waiting by the corner just to get a glimpse of Dr Annabelle because I just need to

I saw her carrying a kid.

Dr Annabelle had a kid!

That's when i realized I knew nothing about her really besides the gossip i heard from George's wife. She did not mention a kid or a husband and Marilyn said she was single.

I was in love with a MILF!!! That's so hot. The kid was do cute and she had curly hair like Dr Annabelle's. Her hair was extremely long and curly but it was always trimmed and treated put up in a bun sometimes. This woman was so natural.

I watched them get in her office before I went to my room. I had made friends in this place, we are all fucked up in some type of way so it's good to know I'm not being judged

"Today is visiting day, everyone make your way to the dining hall"

I groaned. Why can't they just call the ones who got visitors? I could have used a good nap before my session with my old as fuck doctor. Dr Annabelle said she would enroll me to the new psychiatrist who is replacing Mr pedophile.

I knew this would be difficult but I suggested that idea because I needed to be sure i was not just infatuated by Dr Annabelle. I knew i liked her because we had a deeper connection
But she mentioned how patients developed feelings for her before and i could have been one of them. I would not know but I knew i liked her.

I got in the bathroom and showered. I shared a bathroom with 3 more patients but it was always clean. I got in my uniform putting my hair out in it's natural wet curls before going to the hall. Everyone was seated as they talked amongst themselves but some were just alone looking really depressed. A month ago that was me

I was fucked up and my first night here i thought about sneaking to the rooftop and hail my body to the ground but I was very scared. Truth was I never wanted to die

I just wanted to stop feeling

I needed a shut down

I had a reason to live but I questioned if the pain was worth it. Being unwanted sucked and it got me questioning my own existence. If my own parents did not want me then who would? But someone got in my head and made me understand that I was enough for myself. I had to stop wanting other people and forcing bonds that were not there

If you don't want me, i will never bother you again

And that's what I did. I focused on myself and understood life had downs, so many of them. It's not that I'm the only one going through it but everyone was going through something hard, it was how they dealt with it and with what mindset

I was accepting my mind was a dark demeaning place but I could control it with what's out there

"Earth to V. You look like you are having a moment" Tara said nudging my ribs

"I was before you ruined it. There was even sappy music playing in the back of my head" i sat down next to Vera

There were 5 people on the table, Tara, Vera, Alex, Ross and i

Tara was the Talkative one. She had serious anger issues and she could fuck you up. The girl was strong.

Vera was the sweet and quiet girl who had it dark in her head. She killed her parents by burning their house down while they were sleeping. She had no problem talking about it

"I was okay with them abusing me but beating my little brother to the point he was on life support? They knew i was coming for them. So I locked them in and trapped their windows....I fucking lit them on fire"

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