part 19

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After i had that talk with my lawyer I was feeling better. I promised Delia I was not letting anyone take her away from me and she was the happiest kid ever. I hired Tina and her first patient was Valentina.

Days passed by as i sort through everything with Delia. It would take 3 months to get the papers to officially adopt my little girl. We were so connected and I gave her everything she asked for. I got her a tutor and she was so fast he recommended advanced classes for her

In the back of my fucked up mind I wanted to get out of my office and go to someone's room.   I was struggling to keep myself together because I wanted her so bad. I should have never kissed her, i felt like i was folding

"Hey Delia, do you want us to leave work and go home"

"No, finish your work" she did not look up from the book she was reading. I loved watching her go all nerdy but my worst part of the night was when she wants to share all those things she found in those books when I'm trying to get my 6 hour sleep. I loved listening to her and even teach her some stuff adding to her knowledge

"Yes ma'am" I frowned. I always followed routine but if i stay here i was going to give into my heart desires

"Routine is very important like you said, if we go home now. Things will change and the circle will cause problems which...."

"Delia i was the one who told you about it stop lecturing me" I looked around for anything that was out of place but who am kidding. I already cleaned my office

"Please stop disturbing me, i really want to understand this theory."

"Come here, i will help" i grumbled and she smiled hurrying with her book and pen

I read through it and explained it to her. She listened to every detail as i marked keywords but she yawned tiredly and i took her to an unoccupied room on that floor asking Marilyn to check on the girl from time to time

I turned to go back but made eye contact with a pair of golden eyes. I knew them so well even though Valentina was hiding.

Just go check on her

I made my way over around the corner and the girl was not there. That made my mind forget all logic, making my way to Valentina's room. I knocked and the girl got out looking breathless probably from running

"Can i come inside?" I asked calmly

"Y..yes" Valentina stepped aside and i walked in the room

"Spying on me? Really?" I did not turn around to look at her but i know she stopped moving

" don't understand"

"Understand what" my voice was calm but stern. I have always had authority because of how calm i can remain even when things are bad

"I'm sorry for creeping around" she said and I turned around, she gasped looking at my eyes which I'm sure changed their color

I had a condition where my eye color would change from time to time but mostly too many emotions can trigger it

"Understand what?" I repeated and she looked down and mumbled something

"Speak up"

"I fucking miss you. Fuck it's so hard something is wrong with me. I have this feeling in my womb that makes me want to crawl. I want to run to you and be in your arms. I fucking crave your touch and my body won't stop aching for you that it's starting to hurt physically!"

She looked at me with fire in her eyes and stepped closer but at least two feet away

"When I hear your name my insides burn like I'm on fire, when I think about you my heart hurts because you don't want me....when i thnk about our kisses my core throb with so much heat and I fucking hate it. I hate that you have that hold on me while you are not even wondering about me. I think about you every minute."

Doctor Annabelle Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora