part 4

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Two days passed without Valentina showing up. She stayed in her room and Marilyn checked on her from time to time.

A very bad thought entered my head.

*What if we just let her stay here and get her another psychiatrist?. George would never know*

I quickly dismissed the idea as it came. Unlike most people , i had perfect control over my mind. It was around 5 and everyone was packing up meaning night shift was taking over. I stayed behind finishing up files and work through everything for the next day.

My work phone started ringing and it was Marilyn. I answered immediately worried because she only called when something is wrong

"What's wrong?"

"Valentina is having a meltdown. I tried calming her down but nothing is working. Permission to put her to sleep?" Her voice sounded really worried so i knew it was serious

"Not granted. I'm on my way" i hung up running towards the door and all the way to her room. Guards were not surprised to see me running because they knew this happened randomly when I had a patient

I always got the hopeless patients

I knocked on the door she unlocked it for me. I got to see Valentina curled on the floor shaking with her hands covering her ears crying out loud. They were cries for help.

"Wait outside" i said hearing Marilyn leave closing the door. I crouched down and picked the girl in my arms and lowered my head to her ear

"Everything will change. Can you hear my voice?" I held her tight and she nodded

I thought of a way to distract her from her own thoughts. I decided on scenarios. Just give her a little hope for what her future could be like

"Think about a year from now. You will take a trip to Venice. How are you going to get money for that though? Let's be realistic, you need to get a job. Ugh some jobs are shitty but if you get one and save money for that might have to put that attitude tucked in your panties though. Why you gotta be so mean? By the way, you are creative with your insults ..."

I earned a breathy laugh. It was not exactly a laugh but she found it funny. She had stopped crying and she was now holding onto me, her head lying on my chest

"My bestfriend taught me" she said clearing her voice that was scratchy from crying

"Oh tell me about this bestfriend"

"Her name is Karen....i know. She lives up to the name too but she is actually sweet and a real good friend to me. We went to elementary school together and we have been attached to the hip ever since. She stayed with me in so many dark moments of my life and she cheered me up always. I really love her"

This was a positive response. I was destructing her mind from past traumas

"How did you meet? First time meeting"

"We both wanted to be cheerleaders. I went for auditions and the cheerleader rejected me. She was outside when I got out looking all sad, i asked her if she got rejected and she said yes. She smirked and dragged me back inside then started throwing those creative insults as you call them. She was a real Karen for sure. Since all i could do was stand there, she offered to teach me how to cuss"

"Wow what a good friend she is" i joked and she nodded laughing.

"Do you want to talk about what just happened?" I asked playing with her hair

"No but can i stay where I am till i fall asleep?" She held on to me tightly


I thought about how sweaty she is and how her tears socked through my white shirt. I was sitting on the floor rocking her body gently massaging her head

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