Part 44

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Dr Annabelle and I packed things for the whole day trip. We were taking the kids with us too. Valentina  offered to make breakfast after she was done pouting about the punishment she got.

"Is there a way to make Valentina stay behind?" I asked while grabbing all the allergy medicine for the kids and Brittney's epipen.

"I think she need to go. I know she can't stand Vera's funeral just after getting out of the facility. Everything is still too much for her" Dr Annabelle was right but I did not like her going somewhere alone.

"We give her a week then" i suggested.

"She will need more. Relax, out Little treasure will be fine" Dr Annabelle kissed my lips. That calmed me down a bit.

"Ugh Everything is a mess" my forehead connected with hers.

"Do you need me to help you relax?" Annabelle asked pushing her hand under my dress.


"Just clit or more?"


An orgasm helped me because my nerves were better after that. I changed my underwear and we left. We were using my yacht t. It was really big so we could relax into it plus the maids were going to be watching the kids while we were there.

Valentina sat in my lap. She was horny so i fingered her on our way there.

"Mommy can i get a fish to keep?" Brittney asked.

"70% fish that children get usually die in a month" Delia replied pushing her sun glasses up.

"I don't care, i just want one" Brittney rolled her eyes.

"No Brittney you can't get a pet right now" I spoke firmly.

"But mommy"


We boarded the boat then i heard Brittney squealing while sitting next to Dr Annabelle.

"I'm getting a fish!" She happily announced.

"Two" Valentina said and Brittney smiled wide. I glared at the two women.

"I already told her no"

"Why would you do that? She promised to take care of the fish" Valentina defended hugging Brittney.

Did i mention they were matching outfits?. Brittney and Delia were matching with Valentina and I'm sure i heard one of them call Valentina mommy.

I groaned. Everything was happening too fast. If Valentina decided not to come back, my daughter would be heartbroken too. I kept quiet about it and watched the waves as the boat moved.

"I'm sorry Angelina" Valentina came to sit on my side.


"I did not mean to bother you. I noticed you don't look happy everytime i interact with the girls. I know I'm still young and you might not trust me with them"

"It's not that babygirl. I'm just worried about you not sticking around. Kids get attached fast and I don't know if you want all in. You are leaving"

"Only for a week or two. I know i want this as much as you do. I'm in love with you two" She looked angry.

"You don't know that. You are going out there to discover more about yourself. Moreover, as much as we don't mention it. Baby you are still very young"

"You know what Angelina, fuc-ck y-you" her voice broke at the end. She stood up and went to sit away from even Dr Annabelle. I sighed in defeat.

I was just concerned. This was bigger than just a relationship. We were involving kids and most definitely marriage. Dr Annabelle and I were older. Marriage was something we knew we wanted but Valentina was still young.

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