Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

The ballroom is filled with dancing wolves and mingling guests, the happy chatter as the celebration of me being crowned Queen is in full swing. I smile watching my father twirl my mother around the dance floor, the two looking care free and happy. They can retire now, travel the world and relax.
"You've been sitting here all night Bells, I think it's time you let loose on the dance floor." Liam comes up behind me, his lips inches from my ear. I shiver, turning to look at my friend that disappeared after escorting me to the ballroom and wonder when he returned.
"Have you finished whatever it is the made you leave my side?" I ask with a smile, taking Liam's outstretched hand and rising from the small throne that was placed in the ballroom.
"I have." He answers, anger clouding his blue eyes. I watch his jaw clench as he pulls me close to his side and we make our way down from the small stage to the dance floor. The current song soon comes to an end and in seconds the music changes into a waltz. Liam is quick in leading me to the pace of the music, the crowd slowly dispersing as we the two of us twirl around the dance floor. I can feel eyes watching me but my focus is on the man holding me tenderly in his arms, his eyes softening slightly.
"Care to tell me what it is you had to do?" I ask when Liam dips me, our foreheads touching.
"She came today. Apparently she is a Luna to one of the Alphas in attendance today." Liam answers, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, inhaling my scent.
"I knew she mated someone else, felt the pain, but to think she would be here." He adds after twirling me into his arms, my back pressed against his chest. The waltz has turned into a different dance, one that is fueled with emotion. I feel my heart skip a beat, understanding how Liam feels as we become lost in our dance and conversation, forgetting the people watching us.
"So what happened?" I ask blushing when I feel his hand slip lower onto my hip, his blue eyes staring into mine.
"She actually confronted me, calling me a man whore for 'Bedding the new Queen.' And I had to order the guards to arrest her for slandering you. No one, not even that bitch, is to talk badly about you Bells." Liam answers, his voice husky as his face leans towards me. The song ends, and Liam leads me to the refreshment table, promising not to leave my side for the rest of the night. I can feel my heart fluttering, remember the heated gaze he gave me just moments before the song ended and start wondering if Liam was going to kiss me right then and there and if he did, would I have allowed it.
"Bella, or should I say Queen Isabella." That deep voice I will never forget calls my name, my body stiffening as I reach out to clutch Liam's hand. I can see the worry in his eyes as he looks to me before turning his gaze to the owner of the voice, glaring fiercely at him. If looks could kill, Damon Frost would have been dead in a heart beat. Taking a deep breath and catching a wiff of raspberries and chocolates mixing with Liam's pine and mint, I turn to face the man that rejected me six years ago and take in his appearance.
"Alpha Frost." I greet, nodding my head. His hair has grown longer and now is tied with a ribbon at the base of his head. His green eyes stare into mine, a look of regret and possessiveness deep inside them. He takes in my appearance, his eyes scanning my body before ending where my hand claps Liam, letting out a low growl.
"You are in the presence of our Queen, know your place Alpha Frost." Liam warns, stepping closer to me after putting his glass of cider on the table, his free hand on the hilt of his pistol.
"Damon, calm down." A voice calls out, Malcome soon appearing beside Damon and pacing a hand on his brother's shoulder. He turns to me, an apologetic smile on his face but my eyes caught something on my soulmate's neck.
"I don't know why Alpha Frost is being so possessive. He rejected me for being so called weak and it seems he should be concerning himself with his mate." I state, glaring at the man the broke my heart and shattered it into millions of pieces. Damon recoils in shock at my words, his hand going to cover the mate mark and I scoff, rolling my eyes at his actions.
"We are nothing to each other Alpha Frost, so please refrain from growling at my Escort for the night." I order, letting the power deep inside me boil over and wash over the man that presumed that I was weak six years ago. The guilt in his eyes grows as he looks away, baring his neck to me in submission as Malcome apologizes for his behavior before dragging his brother away. I can feel my anger rising, furious at the audacity of that man.
"Lets go outside Bells." Liam states, taking my cloak from one of the maids stationed in the ballroom and wrapping it around my shoulders. He pulls me close, arms wrapped around me protectively as we make our way out of the warm room and towards the back garden. The sounds of the ballroom slowly fade away the deeper we go into the desolate gardens, the stone pathways shoveled allowing passage between the slow covered garden beds that were once filled with flowers.
"It seems like both our soulmates have mated." I sigh out, leaning into Liam's side.
"It seems like it. Sucks to be them because they lost out on perfect mates." Liam echoes, giving me a flirty smile. I laugh, instantly feeling better knowing that I have someone by my side going through the same pain. The only difference is my pain causes a desolate snow covered land while his only makes him grow stronger.
"When do you figured he mated someone else?" Liam asks, as we come to stand under the gazebo that used to look over a beautiful pond. The water lilies should be long dean by now, unable to bloom even if the ice were to melt.
"The night I was in agonizing pain. I haven't felt pain like that since." I answer, Liam letting out a sigh. I am surprised at how calm I am, how my mood hasn't shifted and caused another storm. But I am also happy, if anything, the weather seems to have grown nicer knowing that I do not have to worry about Damon Frost trying to gain me back some how now that he is mated. He is not fit to be Alpha King and rule by my side.
"Maybe one day we can find our own happiness." I muse as Liam comes to stand behind me, wrapping his arms around my body and pulling me back into his chest. I breath in his calming scent, and smile at the words he mumbles into my hair.
"Maybe we already have Bells."

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