Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Sitting in the meeting, I rub my temple as a headache continues to grow.
"How can a she-wolf rule without a mate by her side!" Alpha Blake Carington of the Hawthorn Pack argues as my uncle growls at him.
"Maybe because of the fact her mate was a moron and rejected her!" My uncle yells out in frustration before instantly apologizing to me. The room growing silent for a moment at this news and my headache recedes for the moment thankfully. Many of the wolves in this room mumble their speculations on why I was rejected and I manage to catch Damon Frost wince, his gaze moving to where I sat at the head of the table as guilt fills his green orbs. Liam lets out a warning growl, stepping closer to my seat. His presence comforts me, knowing that I have someone beside me to keep me calm and from ripping these hot-headed Alphas to shreds.
"Maybe Isabella is a defect if her mate rejected her!" Some one shouts and I turn to see Alpha Norman Croix of the Swift Fur pack in Quebec rise angrily from his seat.
"Should we even be ruled by a Queen who was rejected!?" He continues, glaring at me with a glare of accusation angering me further. A savage growl escapes my lips, my royal blood boiling and releasing the power to subdue these wolfs. Many flinch away in fear, showing their neck in submission
"My ability to rule is not determined on whether or not I have a mate." I state, slamming my fist on the table, the action emphasized by the lightning that flashes outside the window. My uncle and Liam chuckling as they watch the men in the room cower in their seats, the two relaxing as I take control of the conversation. Considering many of them are older than me, some even in their hundreds, I find it amusing that these Alpha would fear me.
"Yes, I was rejected by my mate. He made his choice six years ago and I accept it. He has proven he is not fit to rule." I add, staring into each and everyone one of these wolves eyes, ending with Damon Frost who looks away. I inwardly scoff at my cowardly mate, wondering what the Goddess was using the day she connected our fates together and return to the situation at hand.
"Now, if we are done discussing whether or not I can rule without a mate, lets get to the reason why all of you are here." My voice is steady, my emotions stabilizing and the sun returns outside.
"Her Majesty is right, we are not only here to celebrate her becoming Alpha Queen, but also to discus the Shadows that have been attacking our territories for years now." Alpha Matais Jenvier states, his brown eyes finding mine as he nods in respect towards me.
"Alpha Jenvier is correct. My coronation gave us an opportunity for all of us to come together to discus the problem at hand. It seems the Demons have a problem with their rogues attacking our borders, killing many of our people and trying to claim our land." I agree instantly, stating the problem at hand.
"Does anyone have suggestions on what we can do to deal with the problem?" My father asks from his seat beside me. His attire a casual pair of dress pants and dress shirt. Now that he is no longer King, he has spent the last three days dressing casually, sleeping in with my mother while I spent the last few days organizing a meeting with the Alphas after recovering from the ball and bidding farewell to the visiting dignitaries.
"What if we had a border patrol created. Every country has their own armies but us. Instead, we protect our own pack borders but never our country's border." A newly made Alpha, Alpha Connor of the Gold Claw Pack in the Yukon voices. The Alphas whose packs sit along the borders instantly agree to this and as I turn the suggestion over in my mind, I too agree it would be a good idea.
"There are some no man lands that we can use to create the Canadian army once again, although its been two hundred years since we last had one after the final wars ended." I state, writing the idea down on the note book the Liam hands me.
"But I do want to state that this will be voluntary. Wolves will have a five year term in the military and can decide to either leave with an honorable discharge or remain in the military and serve another five years. The condition is they will be loyal to Nightlock Thorns and not the packs they came from. On that note, they will be their own pack that can freely roam Canada if need be." I continue, writing down the idea and taking time to think about how things will work with this new plan.
"After their discharge, they can leave and return to their packs without any discrimination nor facing backlash for defending their Country." I add, taking the time to look into each and every last Alphas eyes. I do not want an army that will avoid their duties if their original packs are in trouble.
"I think we can agree to these terms. We wolves live for many years after all." Alpha Connor agrees right away, many other wolves soon following in their own form of agreement. Inwardly sighing at how smoothly this went, I begin the topic of how wolves can join the military and we all agree that a limit of twenty wolves may join from each pack and that if rogues wish to join the military, they can. How we will be setting the minimum age required to join at thirty years old. This gives the wolves time to live their life and mature before they decide to take arms for their country.
"Will males be the only one to join." A lyrical voice calls out. I smile, looking to the owner of the voice and see the only female Alpha looking at me.
"No, we will of course open this opportunity to she-wolves as well. This also includes promotions within the military based on meritorious services as well as how they display their skills." I answer, getting a satisfactory nod from Alpha June Claretta.
"Then as the only Alpha surrounded by no man land directly across from the United State States borders, let me be the one to offer my pack as the training area for these soldiers. Credit Wind is declining due to the attacks and we need a change." Alpha Claretta continues, a smile on her face. I am shocked by the offer, but none the less accept it graciously, asking her to come to my office tomorrow to talk. The meeting ends with deciding on which laws should be changed before all the Alphas are dismissed. I sigh, leaning back in my chair as my Uncle and Father come to stand beside me.
"You did great kiddo." My dad praises, ruffling my hair. I smile, feeling mentally exhausted.
"It would be better if my Mate wasn't here." I state, getting a shocked look from both men. Liam chuckles as he helps me to stand, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. Ever since I kissed him, he has been holding me like this every chance he gets and I can't lie and say I don't like it because the truth is I enjoy his affection, enjoy being able to snuggle into him. I can feel my stone cold heart warming with each interaction between us and it scares me.
"So your Mate is an Alpha." My uncle states, his eyes hardening as he looks to my father.
"There was only one Alpha we met before it happened too." My father adds, looking at me with a frown.
"Excuse me, but can I speak to Queen Isabella?" A deep voice calls out. All I can think now is Speak of the devil and he shall come.

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