Chapter 23

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Running through the forest with my black leather saddle bag strapped to me, I relish in the feel of hard earth under my paws. It has been years since I felt the dirt between my paw pads, the snow usually being the only thing that surrounded me on runs. But now, with the snow nearly gone and the scent of leaves returning, I can enjoy this feeling to the fullest. Soon, the animals will return and there will be an abundance of prey to hunt and fill our food storage once more.

[So what did Kelly pack in your saddle bag?] Liam asks as his body come sup beside me, his massive grey wolf moving majestically beside me with the wind rushing through his fur. He too has his own saddle bag strapped across him, the tan leather standing out against his fur.

[Things to help build a fire, a blanket...but that's all I know.] I answer, letting out a chuckle into the link as I admit to not knowing what my maid packed for me. Liam shakes his head, his blue eyes giving me wink before he surges forward. Growling playfully, I chase after him, making sure to get close enough to nip at his tail before dashing to the left when he whirls around to retaliate. I can hear Liam's playful growl as he chases after me, his paws thundering across the ground reminding me to be faster than the man I love as I dodge past tree after tree. I feel free, like all the pain and fear I have held onto no longer weighs me down.

[Got you!] Liam calls out just as he tackles my body. We tumble across the forest floor, our link filled with laughter until we roll to a stop and I am left under his large build.

[Took you long enough to catch me!] I tease, wiggling to try and free myself.

[Well I was trying to lead you to our cave. Now that we are here, I can squish you all I want.] He retorts with, flicking his tongue across the top of my head. I am happy for the fur that covers my body as by now I would be blushing a brilliant red.

[now stop wiggling because it is making me want to do things to you that you aren't ready for.] His voice his husky as a low rumble vibrated against me. I freeze, realizing that my actions brought about a consequence that both terrifies and excites me.

[What if I want you to do something though?] I find myself flirtatiously saying, feeling Liam stiffen above me. With a smirk, I use his moment of distraction to get free before trotting away, the cave we like to hide in coming into view as I wait for Liam to follow behind. Maybe I flirted a little to much with fire back there, but the thought of spending two days alone with Liam makes me want to finally give myself to him. Padding into what will be our den for the next two days, I shift and carefully slide my saddle bags onto the floor before turning to riffle through them. Inside, I find a few warm sweaters and sweat pants, quickly pulling on a set before returning to find a bottle of fine whiskey and some snacks before I take out the fire starting equipment placed inside. Liam soon joins me and I quickly remove his saddle bag before she shifts.

"So did you really mean what you said?" His deep voice calls our from behind me, his arms wrapping around my torso and pulling me flush against his body where I feel him take in my scent. His lips press small kisses against my ear, making me shiver as I lean further into his touch.

"I am not ready to be marked, but I am ready to be more intimate with you." I whisper out, my voice sounding husky and needy as Liam trails his kisses from my ear to along my neck. I moan, leaning my head to the side to allow him easier access as Liam lets out a possessive growl, causing something inside me to throb with need.

"I can accept that Isabella, because sooner or later you will be mine when you are ready." He whispers seductively, flicking his tongue along my heated skin. I find myself letting out a small moan, feeling Liam tense behind me before turning me to face him. Before I can say anything, his lips are on mine claiming me in a heated kiss. His tongue flick across the seem of lips and with a small moan, I open them and feel his tongue slide inside.

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