Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"Isabella will you just listen to me!" Damon frost demands as I try my best to walk away but he blocks my bath, his massive body filling the space of the hallway. A meeting with my retainers has just ended leaving me frustrated with the little progress we were making in finding where the Shadows were sneaking into our kingdom. Frustrated, I was on my way back to my office as I noticed an email from the Demon King, Killian Cyprian, and wanted to prioritize opening it and reading what he has to say about the Shadows escaping the Indian Continent to wreak havoc here in Canada before I continue to finalize the Royal Canadian Army draft sheet to send out to all Alphas. Unfortunately for me, I was met with an angry ex-mate that has been hounding me for days to talk to him.

"Alpha Frost, you will address me properly or be taken to the dungeons for punishment." I warn, allowing annoyance and anger to flow into my voice. I was tired of his antics, tired of him addressing me as anything but Your Majesty.

"I am your mate Isabella; I refuse to address you as anything but your name!" He argues back, causing me to growl warningly at him. He is walking a thin line of disobedience, one that will lead him to being severely punished soon. To think he would bring up us being mates when it did not matter to him six years ago when I begged him not to initiate a rejection.

"You seem to forget that you carry the mate mark of another woman Alpha Frost, now get out of my way or else." I growl out, shouting at the man that has become a thorn in my side since my coronation. I watch him flinch, watching the hurt and disappointment flash in his eyes. Gone is the strong and confident man I met six years ago. In front of me stands a hurt little pup.

"You chose to reject me Alpha Frost. You chose to hurt me before you even got to know me. You do not deserve anything from me because of this." I continue, cutting him off from saying anything else when he goes to argue back and refute my words. A gathering of maids and guards have appeared in the halls and come to watch, come to see what commotion is being made in the hall way. Now, the fact that I was rejected has become known and soon the news will spread like wildfire in Nightlock Thorns before spreading to all of Canada. Part of me dreads this, dreads anyone knowing of my weakest moment, but another part of me wants everyone to know that the so called Alpha of a Warriors only pack rejected his Queen as his Soulmate and lost the right to rule as Alpha King.

"Is what she is saying true Damon?" A voice calls out from my left. I watch as Damon stiffens, watch as panic settles into his eyes and inwardly smirk. It seems his Luna is right on time.

"Lilah, what are you doing here?" Damon demands, turning to face the direction of the voice and ignoring the question thrown his way. It seems Damon Frost is also a coward.

A light touch takes my hand as the smell of peppermint and pine wraps around me making me smile. Turning to see Liam who has a mischievous glint in his eyes, one that makes me want to enjoy a show that I brought in, I squeeze his hand lightly and decide to stay silent to allow the Frost couple a chance to talk. After all, I did invite Lilah here to take her mate home and away from me after nearly two weeks of his over-stayed visit.

"What I am doing is coming to see my mate who has not returned home yet. A mate I chose over finding my Soulmate because of the stupid fucking rule in our pack." Lilah Davis states, her anger radiating off of her in waves. Turning to face the scene, I see a short blond she-wolf glaring at Damon, her focus solely on the man that has now betrayed the both of us. There is no hurt and no pain in her eyes but anger and resentment to the man she mated.

"You should have stayed back at Frost Moon. They need their luna!" He shouts back, angry at the women in front of him. I scoff, thinking how much of a hypocrite he is being considering Malcom left two days after my coronation because Frost Moon needed its Alpha and Beta, but Damon stuck around, citing that He needed to attend the Alpha meeting and would return when done. Sadly, he stuck around like a thorn in my side.

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