Chapter 17

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Closing the door to my office, I slink towards the fireplace where the heat of the flames radiate warming my shivering body. Liam had gone off to find us something hot to drink after coming to my rescue from Damon and for that I am thankful. I know now that I want him to be my mate, want him to be mine. We both deserve love after the pain our mate's put us through. The thing worrying me now is how to we go about marking each other and making it last a life time. 

I know with chosen mates the mark will have to be reapplied every month to keep the bond from fading and I am not sure if I can go through with that, go through feeling teeth sink into my skin and worry about it fading in the end. I know that it can be painful to mark another that is not your soul mate but I would rather go through the pain of marking someone not chose by the Goddess then deal with the pain of rejection from my so called mate again.

"I bring hot chocolate and scones." The door opens and Liam calls out, a cart being rolled into the room before his body appears. I smile. My stomach growling at the scent of fresh baked scones, still warm from the oven judging by the steam coming off of them.

"They smell delicious!" I admit, turning away from the fire to walk towards my friend and take the offered mug of hot chocolate from him. With just a sip I can already feel myself warming from the inside, the chill I had nearly gone. Liam gives me a look, knowing something is on my mind but I am not ready to broach the topic of us mating and marking each other, not until I have found a way to make it permanent.

"You did good back there Bells, controlling your powers after that bastard angered you." Liam praises nearly causing me to choke on my drink. Coughing to clear my throat, I look at my friend in disbelief wondering if he truly believed I managed to calm the rage inside me thar brought about a quick storm.

"You do know that had you not come when you did, I would have killed him with my powers by accident right?" I ask Liam, watching him shrug as he bites into his white chocolate-raspberry scone.

"It's not like he wouldn't have deserved it." He mumbles through a mouthful, making me roll my eyes. With a sigh, I take a plate of scones and walk towards my desk, the files from the meeting earlier already placed on top with a note from my Uncle that reads "You are doing great Bella" bringing a smile to my lips.

"A secret admirer?" Liam asks, his voice sound sulky like a child pouting in a corner.

"No, from my uncle." I answer, feeling the need to reassure him. He sulking stops as he lets out a small "Oh" making me giggle as I spy his embarrassed look out of the corner of my eye before I sit in the plush office chair, deciding to get to work. Shadows are wreaking havoc on our borders and as Queen I need to focus on the safety of my people instead of my horrible love life.

"You know, I have been thinking and maybe you should visit that Witch in the tower." Liam suggests, my head turning away from the files to look at him. It is something I knew would be a good start considering Moira was the one to bless me as a pup, the one who revealed I controlled the weather. To know that Liam thinks the same thing really solidifies in my mind that he would make the perfect Mate and King to rule beside me.

"I actually plan to visit her tomorrow." I admit, seeing a look of surprise then relief cross his face as he comes to sit in the chair opposite my desk, placing his mug of hot chocolate and plate of scones before him.

"Good. I think she will be able to help you learn to control your powers." He adds, his words trailing off at the end. I can sense there is more he wants to say, sense he is holding back and I have a feeling I know what it is. We have grown closer since the night of my coronation, closer since he became my personal guard six years ago. The maids in the palace all gossip about when we will finally commit to one another with both of us being mateless due to rejection. But both of us are scared to take the first step with the pain cause by our soul mates still present in our hearts.

The room settles into a comfortable silence with Liam finding a book to read while I find myself emailing the King of Demons about the dilemma his Rogues are causing. I state the casualties lost on my side due to the Shadows, the damage and the loss of land caused by them. I ended with demanding he calls me to find a solution to this common problem and look forward to his reply before I turn my attention to creating an action plan for creating the new Royal Canadian Army.

"Do you think you can head to the main library and find books on Canadian history of how the old military was created for me?" I ask Liam as I set to formatting a document, my eyes never leaving the screen.

"Sure, I was getting bored just sitting here doing nothing anyways." Liam agrees instantly, jumping from his chair and settling the book down on my desk. Before I can specify what to look for, he is already out the door and by the sounds of his footsteps, bounding down the hall way. I chuckle, rolling my eyes at his pup like enthusiasm before returning my attention to my screen, writing out the list of requirements mentioned at the meeting. When the world divided the land based on race there was a huge war that took many lives. Werewolves and Vampires faced less casualties but the war opened our eyes that having armies is nothing but trouble. I know for a fact that the Humans still have their own, that the Meng Bloed created a small army in Russia, wanting a way to protect themselves in case the humans declared war once more, but one thing that worries me is the face Shadows have found their way onto my Kingdom when their race took over the Middle Eastern countries. They thrive in the hot lands of Indian Continent, that the winters here in Canada would be too cold for them. So why are they attacking my borders and what are they trying to gain?

Groaning with frustration from the never ending pile of questions lingering my mind, I turn away from the computer to stare out the window. The stars have appeared in the last hour of me working, the moon full and shining brightly on my land. I wonder if talking to Moira will help me end the winter and bring back the spring. That she can help me find a way to control my powers so that if I were to become furious once more, there will be no chance in harming innocent wolves. With a sigh, I decide to take a break from work and find myself walking towards the sofa in front of the fireplace, grabbing the fluffy blanket that Liam gifted me for Christmas last year and curl up on the sofa, the warmth wrapping around me and calming my chaotic mind. The door to my office opens and Liam's scent floods towards me, the sounds of books being placed onto my desk before his footsteps come my way make me smile.

"You okay Bells?" he asks, his body leaning over the back of the sofa. I turn to look at him, his blue eyes filled with concern for me.

"Yeah, just needed a break." I admit, reaching out and poking his cheek. He chuckles, taking my hand in his and placing a soft kiss on the back of my hand, the feel of his warm lips on my skin making me blush.

"Well I was asked to come train a few new warriors by you father. I just wanted to bring the books to you and let you know I will be in the training hall if you need me." He states, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Okay, don't train the pups too hard." I chuckle out, lacing our fingers together and enjoying the warmth of his large hand.

"I won't. Don't work yourself too hard. Kelly said she will bring you food in an hour so don't forget to eat." He agrees, giving me a pointed look as he advises me as well. I agree, sitting up to wrap my arms around his neck and give him a hug, his scent of peppermint and pine wrapping around me. The hug ends and Liam reluctantly leaves my office once more, turning back to give me a breath taking smile and a wink before I am left alone in the warm room, his scent still strong. Looking at my desk to see the stack of book, I realize why his scent still lingers and chuckle. On the books is his sweater, one I always steal any chance I get. I smile, bounding from the sofa to grab the soft sweater and pull it over my head, feeling the warmth of the clothing surround me. I have a feeling this his is way of claiming me in case Damon comes to find me again and for once, I am happy to be wrapped in Liam's scent. If he wants to show subtle ways of claiming me, then I will welcome them and soon, I will bring the topic of us mating once I know it can be permanent. 

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