Chapter 16

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Staring at Damon Frost as he stands by the door I sigh, wondering just how stupid my ex-mate is for walking back in knowing I am surrounded by over protective males.

"How may I help you, Alpha Frost?" I ask, emphasizing his name to make a point that we are not close, that I only see him as an Alpha under my rule and nothing else.

"I was wondering if we can talk privately, your Majesty." He states, his deep voice causing my heart to throb and the dying bond to flash gently like a dying ember waiting for hope. But I know better. The mate mark on his neck reminds me that he has someone else waiting for him. The men around me growl at him, my father stepping closer to my side as he eyes Damon with disgust and hate.
"Why would the man that rejected my daughter want to talk to her alone." He demands, his voice dripping with sarcasm. I watch as Damon flinches, guilt shining in his eyes as he looks between my father then to I.
"I am guessing you told them." He accuses, making me scoff as I step forward, my eyes hardening as I glare at the man that should have been mine.
"I only told Liam. My uncle and father put the clues together on their own." I state, disgust filling me for the man that my heart yearns for. What a joke, to think the Alpha of the Warrior pack would be standing here accusing me for no reason.
"What do you want Alpha Frost, don't you have a mate to return to?" I ask, already done with being in his presence and wanting nothing more than to leave this room and go for a much needed run.
"To talk, alone." He re-emphasizes, making me roll my eyes. If he thinks I will be left alone with him, then Damon Frost is stupider than I thought.
"Follow me then." I state, making a show of walking around him to prevent Damon from touching me. I can see the hurt in his eyes, see how me avoiding him affects him. Good, I hope he hurts just as much as he hurt me.

[Liam, trail behind us in case I need you please.] I link to Liam, making sure my Uncle and Father heard this request as well.

[Even if you didn't ask, I would have followed to keep you safe from this bastard.] I smile at Liam's reply, happy to know that no matter how this interaction with my ex plays out, I will have Liam there. I lead Damon towards the garden, passing by many wolves in the corridors and making it a show that I am ignoring the Alpha that trails behind me like a lost little puppy. I can feel the nervousness radiating off of Damon in waves, feel his patience waning as with each twist and turn I waste his time until finally we step out of the castle.

A light snowfall greets us, the flakes dancing as they fall from the sky to land on the snow covered ground. I miss the lush green plants of the garden, miss curling up with a book under the willow tree and falling asleep in the warm sun. It is because of the wolf behind me that I lost all this.

"This place would be lovelier without all this snow." Damon sighs out, coming to stand beside me. I scoff, taking a few steps away from him to stand against the trunk of a maple tree, its branches long bare of the leaves as the snow piles onto the wood.

"One day my heart will thaw from the pain you left and my garden will return." I state, making sure he is to blame for the eternal snow.

"It's not my fault you can't control your powers!" He growls out, turning to glare at me. I growl back, letting the power in my blood remind this wolf who he is talking to. I watch as he fights against me, watch as he tries not to submit but my ranking stands higher than his and soon Damon bows his neck in submission to me, guilt returning in his gaze.

"We are alone now so speak." I order, watching Damon flinch as my command brings him pain through the mate bond.

"I want to give us another try." He blurts out, taking a step forward. I frown, letting a warning growl rumble past my lips and forcing Damon to stop where he stands, his scent being carried towards me on the wind.

"There is no "us" Damon." I state, lightning flickering in the sky above us as anger fills me. Who does he think he is, rejecting me for being "weak" in his eyes only to want me back the moment he realizes I am his Queen.

"You made sure that there will never be an "us" when you rejected me. That we would never, ever be together when you fucked some pack whore weeks later, when you marked your chosen Luna." I continue, pushing myself off from the trunk as the anger builds. My hands shake, my nails sharpening into claws that I want to slice his skin with. The wind picks up, the snow falling faster than before and I know that with all our guests in the palace, I need to gain some form of control before anyone can get hurt.

"Bells!" Liam calls out, his familiar arms wrapping around me as he pulls me into his chest. He tucks my head under his chin, his hands rubbing up and down my arms, grounding me and calming the rage simmering inside. I breath in his scent, closing my eyes as I listen to his heart beat and focus on him, just him, as I let myself have a moment of weakness as always when in his arms.

"Let go of my mate!" Damon demands, causing Liam to growl possessively and his hold on me to tighten.

"You made it clear six years ago that Bells is not your mate. You have no claim over her and I suggest you get that through your thick skull before I bash it in." Liam threatens, his possessiveness towards me making me melt. I never felt so cared for by a man, so calm and safe than I do in Liam's arms and I smile. My nails return to normal and I find myself wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling away slightly from Liam to look at his face. His gaze is trained on Damon, his eyes glaring at the man that hurt me, destroyed me with a simple rejection.

Liam is the man I should have been paired with. He is the one I should have had the mate bond with and married. With a smile, I pull his face towards mine, watching as Liam's gaze softens with me as his eyes stare into my own. The wind dies down, the lightning ends and the sky clears as my heart beats in time with his. I feel a sense of calm wash over me, one I haven't felt in years. I think I know what I need to do, but I need to talk to the Witch that resides in the palace first.

"Our talk is done, Alpha Frost." I state, not bothering to look at the man behind me as my focus remains on Liam.

"You have a mate waiting for you and I have Royal Duties to return to. Have a nice evening." I finish, pulling away from Liam only to take his hand in mine and make our way back inside the palace. I can hear Damon frost begging behind me for me to stay and talk, to work things out, but I ignore him. He has a mark of another on his neck, a mark of a she-wolf he decided was strong enough to be beside him. Now I need to learn how I can have the mark of a wolf that I want as mine and mine only, a wolf I choose without the Moon Goddess meddling into my fate.

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