Chapter Five

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written by Doveypawstream


A few weeks earlier, Sidney was carrying letters in a weaved basket, tied at the top by a gorgeous scarlet ribbon. She carefully walked down the dorm stairs, walking towards the entrance to the common room. Sidney placed them on the middle cushion on the sofa, yelling for everyone to come down.

The frivolous sound of footsteps pounded on the stairs. The students were gathering alongside the redhead as she sat next to the basket, her face glowing with pride from how long it took her to arrange the invitations. Tokoyami seemed the most concerned, eyes widened as he descended from the staircase over to where his friends were couped.

Midoriya was the first to the carpet, his eyes wide as ever as he took in the sight of the lavishly-decorated basket filled with envelopes. When everyone was there, they whispered amongst themselves, blinking vigorously at the basket. Sidney smiles, waving her hands to hush everyone. As the crowd falls silent, she scans the people for Shoto. She smiles, his eyes meeting hers, and she lifts her hand up higher, beckoning him over to her. The crowd of 1A students parted for him to walk through, silently.

He grabs her hand as she smiles, her cheeks reddening just enough to make the students start quietly whispering about what this little meeting Sidney called.
"Attention! Sidney is attempting to speak!" Iida, the most responsible person in the class, yelled out, chopping the air with his right hand quickly. Sidney did a thumbs-up towards Iida, stepping forward so everyone could see.

"Hey! I bet you're wondering why I called you here," She began, scratching the top of her head as her stomach churned. "Well, Shoto and I have...your average everyday announcement...-" She stopped, eyes beginning to tremble along with her arms. Whispering began once more, and soon the room was filled with outside voices. Shoto sighed, gaining their attention and silence again.

"We're getting married, who wants to go?"

The entirety of the class gasped out in pure shock, the room growing extremely rowdy at Shoto's deadpan expression. Iida stepped forward, straightening the glasses on his face. "Todoroki, Sidney, are the two of you not aware that you are both sixteen?" His eyes are hard to see through the shining light reflecting from his glasses, but she could tell he might as well be furious. Wasn't the best idea, after all.

"Yeah, we are...and we know not all of you will morally agree with this happening..but could you try?" Sidney murmured, looking up at the class with hope dazzling in her eyes. The room filled with chatter again, A few more minutes of this went along, until the room was near silence once again.

"I don't know about everyone else," murmured Midoriya, scratching his fluffy green hair. "But I support it! We'd have to do a lot of lying, though...that and we can't let Aizawa see this either, so we have to keep this away from the dorm rooms because there's a high chance he'll check and..." he continued rambling for what seemed like ages, irking Bakugo from across the room.

"Shut up, Deku!" He spat, his eyes sharp as razor blades. "I hate this idea. You're both idiots. You have more of a chance of getting caught, anyway. Dumbasses." Sidney heard him mumble the last part to himself, biting her lip quickly. Kirishima blinked, patting the exploding hero's shoulder. "C'mon Bakubro, it'll be fun! Think of the cake, and the music, and it's a good thing for our friends too!" He seemed to have way more hope in Bakugo than anyone else in the room.

"Shut it, weird hair." He says, stomping back up to the stairs and heading back to his room, not even wasting time to glare at Shoto and his soon-to-be wife. Shoto gives Sidney a head pat, reassuring her that it could go on without the grump of class 1A. Kirishima follows Bakugo, sending a look of pure apology to his fellow students.

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