Chapter Nine

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written by WickedLachance


The relief that filled the crowd was certainly palpable when they laid eyes upon their cherished friend, but no one relaxed more than Shoto Todoroki himself when he saw his redheaded spouse. Despite us entering mere seconds later than the march's signal, the tension so blatantly constricting his muscles was substantial, and yet, it vanished the instant he saw her. An awestruck look of adoration covered his heterochromatic eyes, accompanied by the subtle dusting of pink radiating from his hue. Who could blame him though? Sidney does make a stunning bride, and by the passing expressions of some of her classmates, I'd say they agree.

Speaking of the bride, she was remarkably calm when she witnessed Shoto standing at the altar, or podium, I should say. As a matter of fact, I'm convinced that the girl forgot every other individual in the room when she saw her husband-to-be waiting there for her. It was then that I began to understand why she wanted this so suddenly. It became clear to me how juvenile their love is, in that moment, watching as their eyes never left each other's as she strode towards him. They're still teenagers, meaning that their restrictions are few right now. Even during the worst of times, they don't have to be apart, so of course, their love flourishes.

Unfortunately, the reality of adulthood isn't like that, especially in our line of work. Hero or villain, your partner cannot be the priority. In a relationship where both people fall into those roles of society, however, this reality becomes more acceptable. It's the "If you're doing it, then it's okay for me to," mindset. This is supposed to make it okay, but in the lowest depth of your mind, it's constantly eating away at you. The difference is that a villain can't simply hang up their cape and live a normal life with their loved one, not without paying a price.

I suppose the bleakness of the future isn't what I should be focusing on though. After all, Sidney's ceremony was a success. Twice, who had been doubting his performance all day, delivered his lines beyond any and all expectations. Not a single quiver in his typically diverse voice was heard, but I suppose I shouldn't have been so surprised, seeing as he and Toga had rehearsed the entire four hours we spent decorating. When all was said and done, she and I congratulated him on his professionalism, and the new Todoroki couple thanked him as well. I'm proud of Jin for keeping a leveled head without the use of his mask for once, and I know he is too.

My eyes on him now, I chuckle at the sight of his jaw dropping as he watches Toga shove cake into her mouth. As part of his disguise, we forced him into a brown, bob-cut wig with lengthy bangs in order to cover the gash on his forehead. He looks absolutely ridiculous with it on, I'll admit, but it serves its purpose well. Plus, it makes his current expression all the more laughable, hah!

The afterparty started about twenty minutes ago, and everybody's been enjoying themselves so far. Jiro concocted a playlist of some of Sidney and Shoto's favorite songs for the occasion, so some people have been dancing, while others raid the food table or partake in friendly conversation. As for me, I've been observing the energetic crowd whilst sitting at one of the smaller tables. I'm not trying to be antisocial. I merely have no interest in speaking to a bunch of sixteen-year-olds that despise what I do. Also, I'm not hungry, so there's that too.


I really need to silence this damn thing.

I pick up my phone from its resting place on the table, stealing one last glance at Twice and Toga. From across the room, I notice Sidney making her way over to them, leaving her oblivious new husband to converse with his white-haired brother. I smile. Of course she would want to befriend the villains.

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