Chapter Eight

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written by WickedLachance


I cringe at the final tug of my ebony hair, the high-pitched cheer that follows nearly making me wince.

"All done, Evy!" Toga claps.

I lift my fingertips to my chilled neck, brushing the newly exposed skin. "Can I look then?"

The bright-eyed teenager nods, confidently grabbing my shoulders and spinning me around. I shudder as the sleeves of her sweater brush my delicate skin. I'd never admit it to her, but I detest having any part of myself publicly displayed. It isn't the larger body I possess or my pale complexion that makes it excruciating, but the oversexualization that young women like me face on a daily basis. I would rather not encourage any coarse behavior or thoughts, especially on my best friend's wedding night.

"What do you think?" Toga asks, her grip on my shoulders unwavering.

I hum in thought, becoming aware of the reflection painted across the mirror in front of me. My foreign eye color alarms me at first, but remembrance quickly floods my brain. I relax, proceeding to study Toga's handiwork.

My rosy lips separate vaguely as I take notice of the intricate pattern stitched into each side of my head. Two thick strands of my hair have been classically French-braided, forming a rope-like ring around the frontal half of my skull. They interconnect in the back, capturing the remaining hair at its center in the shape of a bun. For a styling outside of my preference, it's actually quite impressive. Really, I expected nothing less from Himiko Toga, who reliably fashions her hair into two symmetrical buns every morning.

"Wow, Toga. There's not a hair out of place!" I compliment.

The incognito girl flashes her white teeth from the mirror, placing her hands together in a pleased manner. "I knew you'd like it, Chance!"

She wraps her arms around my neck. The warmth of her head nestles just between my shoulder blades, since she's considerably shorter than me right now. I smile, placing my arms over hers in response to the embrace, but the sweet moment doesn't last as long as I would have liked it to. When she pulls away, I can only think of Tomura.

"You know, Evy," Toga mutters softly, "he misses you too."

I turn to face her, admittedly startled by how she reads me so well, but instantly, my shock is forgotten. The meek grin on her face makes the moisture in my throat evaporate until I'm tempted to swallow in hopes of getting it back. It doesn't work though, because I'm frozen by the realization of how selfish I've been.

"...Toga, I..." ridiculous. Of course my teammates, my friends, have felt the pain of my absence, probably more than I have, and I haven't even been there to notice. I want to comfort Toga, tell her I'm sorry for leaving, but I'm frustrated because I can't. Just saying her name was a challenge, and now my throat feels as though it's caving in on itself. I'll choke if I try to talk.

Toga, on the other hand, giggles, granted it lacks its usual luster. "I can smell it in your yummy blood. You've both been so lonely lately. Tomura separated the League for a while, you know. He said he wanted to lay low after everything that happened with the heroes and stuff, but he's full of crap."

She hesitates, and I watch intently as she twirls a strand of chestnut hair, not wanting to miss a word. Surely she's noticed that I'm not in a great state for talking right now.

"We need you back. Bad stuff keeps happening. Big Sis Magne...she was murdered by this gangster guy. Right in front of us! He took Compress's arm too, and Dabi hasn't been around much since you left.

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