Chapter Ten

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written by Doveypawstream


Sidney reached out her hand as her best friend was stolen from her by a dude who looked to be in his early twenties. He had brown hair that seemed slightly curly, and his most noticeable trait was the silver wings that shone as he flew, which happened to be made of metal. He had a darkened goatee and his arms were thick with muscle.

The man had swooped down, coming quite close to the ground, and immediately picking up Evelyn off her feet. Sidney gasped as Hawks ran and began to fly towards them. He had a determined look in his yellow eyes as he chased the evil man. Sidney could only watch as his crimson feathers also took off after this man, who reminded Sidney of himself.

In a second, the hero and villain were in the air, flying at a seemingly top speed. Sidney cursed herself for not being able to easily catch up, but she took off after them anyways, on foot.

Suddenly spying a giant bird on the ground, feasting on soil, she tapped its wing, and it turned to gaze at her with those bright orange eyes that seemed like they could stare into your soul.

"Think you could take me up there?" She definitely didn't expect it to talk back.

The bird's voice was deep and rumbling as he spoke. "Sure. Chasing the human with the wings, correct?" She nodded and climbed on his back. The giant as heck bird let his wings stretch for just a moment before beginning to take flight.

Sidney considered talking to the bird and making small talk, yet the back of her mind told her to shut up and that now was not the time. She yapped on and on about how attractive Shoto was while the bird was attempting to close in on the villain.

Part of her quirk was the ability to talk to animals. The only drawback to that part, however, was that she had to make physical contact with the creature. That's why she had to touch the bird's wing before speaking.

She painfully took a few seconds to remember her friend, who had been with her since Middle school. His quirk was extremely similar to hers, and she remembered their first conversation, which was about the pros and cons of being able to talk to animals.

Koji Koda was Sidney's closest friend that she knew in middle school when he became an exchange student there during her 8th-grade year. Koda was sweet and didn't really say much. She remembered him to be the really shy person in the back of the classroom, a little too afraid to make contact with people in fear of being made fun of for whatever reason.

Koda had passed away a while back from being stabbed to death in a Kamino alleyway. The news had spread quickly of his death, and Sidney felt sorrow course through her blood with every day that he had been gone.

Snapping back to the reality of the moment and the fact she was atop a giant bird, flying effortlessly in the sky to help stop a villain, she watched as one of Hawks' crimson feathers released from his right wing and flew towards the villain. The feather looked like an arrow from Sidney's perspective, and she tried not to intervene in any way, only flying a little slower now than Hawks.

The villain gasped in pain as the sharp-edged feather grazed his shoulder, cutting right through his dark coal colored jacket. Blood was seen oozing out of the wound, and the villain winced in pain. Evelyn gazed around in a quiet panic, looking at Sidney for a few seconds, gray eyes seemingly calm now.

The evil guy landed on a roof, immediately shielding the wound with his free hand. His arm was still wrapped around Evelyn, attempting to hold her in place. Little did he know about Sidney's best friend's quirk; it allowed her to teleport to a space with solid ground underneath, and the fact they had landed on a roof was a key to her escape. She made eye contact with her older bestie and they shared a knowing gaze as she focused on teleporting.

Defy Me (MHA/BNHA OC Insert)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang