Chapter Twelve

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written by WickedLachance


Seven months ago, Tomura Shigaraki told me that he wanted me to marry him. It was neither a question nor demand: more of a yearning thought. I had only been his girlfriend for four months at the time but was utterly awestruck by the idea. I didn't consider marriage an option for two disgraces like us, or something that a guy like him contemplated. Not to mention that I was only at the tender age of 19, while he was just two months short of his 21st birthday. Perhaps that's part of the reason I was so amazed by the idea.

Although above legal standards, we were young enough for All For One to have an adult tantrum over the idea. It's not like the man had ever approved of me anyway. In fact, the head Shigaraki advised his son against our union multiple times, but his efforts inevitably proved to be in vain.

Maybe I shouldn't have been so surprised though. From the start, I knew that the connection between Tomura and I was something special and unique to only us. Since we met, I had an inexplicable but powerful interest in him, and he took such a liking to the attention that it became a necessity for him. He went out of his way to spare more and more time for me, even once inviting me to play a video game with him in his room. My visits would continue afterwards, becoming frequent enough for Kurogiri and whoever else was around before Stain to notice, but neither of us cared much. We enjoyed our time together, sometimes finding ourselves laughing doing even the most mundane of tasks together.

Needless to say, we hit it off.

With Tomura, conversation came easily, whether it was personal, casual, or strictly business. Our personalities complement each other so well that, when I decided to take the next step in our relationship, it only felt natural. Although, he was too flustered to respond when I asked him about having a romantic relationship with me. I still chuckle when I think of the ridiculous amount of heat that came to his cheeks upon hearing my request. I know he's never been within modern beauty standards, but anyone would have been in awe by the innocence his face held that day.

As a couple, things were a little awkward at first. I moved in with him, and while sharing our personal space was actually more comfortable than I imagined it would be, the first few nights were tense. Since neither of us had ever experienced having a long-term...bed mate, it took us two or three weeks to be able to rest easily. Of course, Tomura's fear of physical contact didn't help the situation.

The only permanent downside of sharing our space was Tomura's constant paranoia of touching me, which led to him refusing to be inside of the room without gloves on. Touch became the greatest adjustment we were faced with as lovers. Even with the articles of clothing covering his fingers, it took a hefty amount of coaxing and permission from me before Tomura could lay a full hand on my body.

I understood his hesitance. How couldn't I? That's why I was so stunned when he, in recent times, tried to kill me. We worked for months on the anxiety he had around me, and there were a few times when he actually had the courage to touch me with a bare hand. Honestly, seeing him reach out to me with the intent to kill was more heartbreaking than it ever could have been terrifying.

Now here I stand, a month later, watching his cherry eyes fill with vulnerability behind an opened door. His powder-blue hair is in its usual state of disarray, peering out of his black hood and descending onto his withered face. A familiar pair of scarred lips frame his visible, white teeth, which became ajar upon my arrival. As for his hands, they curiously remain hidden in his jean pockets, and I wonder if they're covered or not.

I stand in the cool hallway before him, hugging my body tightly. I found myself in this position a few brief minutes ago. Toga, Twice, Dabi, and I all split ways upon making it to a central part of Musutafu. The members of the League of Villains aren't to be united again yet, and everyone must continue to lay low, by Tomura's orders. I was able to get his location from Kurogiri. The two have been staying in an abandoned house in the outskirts of the city, as it turns out.

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