Chapter Seventeen

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written by Doveypawstream


The cool morning breeze blew through Sidney's red hair as she headed towards a darkened alley. She was wearing pure black, which was something she rarely did. She wasn't upset about anything, she just wanted to blend in with the dark colors of the place where she was going to meet her best friend in secret. It really made her feel like a traitor, going here like this, but she just couldn't help it. Evelyn meant a lot to Sidney, and she wouldn't give up their friendship for the world.

She traveled farther into the brick alleyway, casting slight glances behind her so as to make sure she wasn't being followed. No signs of anyone were behind her, so she continued moving. Sidney smiled as she suddenly remembered memories of Evelyn and herself laughing about Alex, their old friend, playing the piccolo extremely highly pitched and loudly.

Sidney kicked at the gravel once she arrived at their designated meeting spot, which was a corner of the alley where a single blinking light post was standing. She had hoped she didn't seem suspicious, as she left the campus of the school dressed in a black trenchcoat and shades with a pair of brown boots. She always loved wearing stupid things for stupid reasons, yet she couldn't explain why.

She waited in silence, occasionally poking the light post. After a while, Evelyn appeared. She was wearing a black one-piece suit, which she had proclaimed before was her villain costume. The outfit was tied together with black shoes and a dark gray cardigan that went down to her waist.

"Hey!" Sidney greeted, a smile gracing her lips. Her friend gave a small wave in response, tapping her foot on the ground.

"How have things been?" Evelyn asked, cat-like eyes shining in the single light.

"Work studies with Hawks have been...odd." Sidney explained, giving a slight giggle. Evelyn seemed to smile at that, her black-dyed hair blowing in the chilly breeze. "Also, why are you wearing a trenchcoat?"

Sidney pulled her black fedora over her eyes, covering up most of her shades. "So I won't be sus." Evelyn internally facepalmed. "Right, right..." the girl went along with it, eyeing the area slightly as a force of habit. "I've been mothering the toddler group that is the League of Villains."

"Shigaraki is the biggest, brattiest infant I have ever met." Spoke Sidney, reminding herself and Evelyn of the time when Evelyn and Tomura were getting married. The flashback replayed in her head momentarily.

It was Spring, and the flowers were blossoming more and more as the season went on. Not a cloud was visible in the sky as Sidney picked from the decorations Toga had left over from a theft years back. She smiled as she spotted a burgundy set of ribbons, with little purple pearls in the middle of each ribbon.

Shigaraki walked into the room with one of his signature hands on his face, making it nearly impossible to see his facial expression. By the way he spoke, she could tell he was rather upset.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He had asked, scratching a red spot on his neck from where he had previously scratched. "I never gave you permission to decorate or even choose the decor."

Sidney grabbed a top hat from the cardboard and stood on her tippy toes to put it on his head. "There you go!" Sidney spoke with a laugh in her throat. "Now you're festive and not ugly."

Oh boy, that had pissed Tomura off. He put all five fingers on the British-looking hat, causing it to disintegrate in front of her. "No." Sidney huffed, grabbing a random blue cape from the box. "C'mon, you can be a hero!" He hissed like a cat at that, taking the hand off his face to reveal his anger that was seemingly visible.

"Aww c'mon, Evelyn would simp so hard for her hubby in a cape, and you know it!" Sidney giggled as Toga walked into the room, seeing the pile of ash on the floor from the disintegrated hat. Toga took out a knife and cut the cape in half, folding it neatly.

"Now he can wear a bandana. Maybe we can go steal a cowboy hat and he can be Tomura yeehawgaraki." Sidney fell onto the ground at that, sobbing in laughter. Shigaraki was getting more and more pissed by the second.

Before anyone could react, Tomura started his hissy fit. "Damn you, I'm not a fucking hero! Stop fitting me into your fucking image damnit AAAAGH NO MORE DECORATIONS I'LL DO IT MYSELF!!"

Sidney and Toga exchanged glances before backing away slowly, but before Sidney sprinted away, she grabbed one last item from the box's contents; a pair of shades. She placed them on her face, and with the most straight face she could muster, said, " Daddy, chill." And her and Toga raced away before Tomura had another spasm of a fit.

Evelyn giggled at Sidney's telling of the story. Although she hadn't been there, it definitely seemed like something that would happen. She placed a hand on the back of her neck, almost apologetically. "Yeah, he can be something else sometimes, that's for sure."

Evelyn went on to explain little details of the Overhaul meeting, Sidney getting interested immediately. "Sounds like you've had a fun week." The red haired girl gave a slight yawn, putting a hand in front of her mouth. "How's Twice doing? Must've been hard for him to keep himself stable for that long, at the wedding."

"He's...alright." Evelyn said, giving a smile. "I'm sure Magne's death is getting to him though." Sidney nodded, giving silent respect to the late Magne. "I'm sure he'll realize that none of it is his fault." Sidney mumbled, remembering the way Twice always acted.

The two best friends shared a silence unlike no other, looking around randomly every now and then out of boredom. Sidney took her fedora off and placed it on Evelyn's head. "You look sus as heck." The redhead joked, flicking her friend on the arm lightly.

Evelyn's burgundy eyes lit up, and she tapped the lamp post, handing the fedora back to Sidney. "We should probably get going. Our teammates might be worried about us, you know." Nodding, Sidney reached over and gave Evelyn a bear hug, who hugged back lightly. "See ya later!" The teenager mewled out as she headed out of the alleyway.

"Midoriya," Evelyn said, an edge to her voice. "You can come out now." With that, Midoriya fearfully stepped out into the dim light. "What were you doing here, kid?" Midoriya's eyes seemed to gaze straight into hers, fear very apparent in his expression. "W-well..." the broccoli-haired boy gulped. "I was just....walking around, is all." Evelyn shook her head slightly. "Don't you even think of talking to the heroes about what you just saw, okay? We're not plotting anything."

Midoriya nodded, scampering out of the alleyway. Evelyn watched him go, a sweatdrop forming behind her head. What did he have to suspect, and why Midoriya of all people?

Sidney kept running through the alleyway, making her way back to the UA dorm building. Before she could leave the darkness, she felt a rough hand tap her shoulder. Thinking it was Evelyn, Sidney turned back with a grin. Shock pulsed through her body when she noticed the scarred, burnt face of Dabi staring at her. "We need to talk." was all he said at that moment.


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