13. Identity Revealed

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Wei Wuxian gets the news that a huge Demonic Snake is coming to capture his sacred sea area and their holy land.

This terrible Demonic snake has eight mouths and very poisonous gas comes out of its body.

A 40 feet long snake is coming towards their sacred water.

Demonic Snake wanted to run away from here by killing all the mermaids living in the sacred holy sea, and wants to pollute this sacred land.

At first everyone thinks it is just a joke but slowly that snake was moving towards their holy sea water blessed by Heavenly Gods.

This demonic Snake had become very powerful after doing penance for thousands of years.

Defeating themselves against that demon, are not an easy task. Many mermaids get scared.

Mermaid had gradually started changing his location because out of fear.

One day Wei Wuxian made his little baby sleep on the stone bed and went underwater to meet his parents.

Suddenly a big Demonic Snake was moving towards their fairyland . The speed of the terrible snake was 100 km per hour.

All the mermaids get scared and start running here and there out of fear. They just want to hide themselves.

Wei Wuxian remembers that his little alpha son is still above sea water. So he runs to save his son.

All the mermaids vacated that place and ran away to safe their life. There was commotion and chaotic situation.

Wei Wuxian started going out of the sea to protect his son from demonic demon, Omega carried his little baby in his arms.

A Demonic Snake attacks omega to kill him and his newly born baby too, but Lan Wangji holds his wife and child in his arms.

Alpha Lan Wangji saves his family using his bichen, then Alpha returns to his dragon form  Hanguang-Jun for the first time, he left his wife and child safely aside.

Lan Wangji starts fighting with Demonic Snake in his Hanguang-Jun dragon form.

There is a very fierce fight between the demon dragon and the demonic snake. The dragon Hanguang-Jun was twice as big as that snake in length and width.

The dragon Hanguang-Jun gets angry, so he grabs the snake's tail and drags it into the air.

Hanguang-jun was in full rage, he got angry when another demon wants to harm his little family, so our fierce Dragon takes the demonic snake into the air and burns it badly with his dragon fire.

Dragon Hanguang-Jun becomes so angry that he turns the snake into ashes because the snake had tried to harm his Dragon Hanguang-Jun's family.

Wei Wuxian is shocked when he sees Lan Wangji transforming into a dragon. Omega didn't know that his alpha husband is a demon dragon.

Wei Ying gets very scared because of the way Lan Wangji had burnt such a big snake alive in the air.

Wei Wuxian gets even more scared after seeing his husband's huge demon dragon form.

After some time, the snake gets badly burnt and Lan Wangji comes back to his human form.

Wei Wuxian starts running away from his husband in fear. Poor Omega holds his little baby tightly to his chest.

Lan Wangji comes to his omega and holds him in his arms.

Wei Wuxian starts yelling at him because his trust was broken, "You have betrayed me. You are a dragon but you never told me this. This means you are not a human being but a dreaded dragon of the demon realm. I have no relation with you. You know very well that I am afraid of dragons and I don't like them, so I'm going somewhere far away from you, taking my son with me."

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