14. Truth

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Wei Wuxian regains consciousness after 2 hours. Lan Wangji was sitting near him and looking at his lovely wife.

Wei Wuxian starts fighting with him and says, "I have to go back. Leave me back on my land."

Lan Wangji now has to explain to him, “Wei Ying, you cannot go back to your realm, because here i have a family and from today onwards both of us will stay here.”

Wei Wuxian starts crying and says, “You are a liar. You married me by lying to me. I will never forgive you."

Lan Wangji silences him by caressing his wife's back to console him. Wei Wuxian try to avoid him. He is very angry on betrayal.

Lan Zhan takes a deep breath and tells his wife, "Wei Wuxian, here is my family. I can't leave them. I had a compulsion due to which I was not able to tell you the truth. Yes, I am a dragon from a demonic world. Knowing all this you would never have made me your friends. I know you're afraid of dragons, but you stay here for a few days and then you won't be afraid of anything."

Wei Wuxian sits at one place with a pout and does not talk to Lan Wangji at all. He also starts feeding his children in his lap.

Lan Wangji goes near to his alpha son A-Yuan, Wei Wuxian slaps his hand and drives him away.

Wei Wuxian scolds his alpha, "You stay away from my baby. I don't want you to spoil him like you. Because of you, my child is not a complete mermaid. I am afraid that everyone at your place will kill me and my Little baby, because demon loves to eat mermaid's flesh ."

Lan Wangji starts laughing and says, "Who said that we cook and eat mermaids? You are my wife, why would I cook and eat you? You are so dumb and you are still behaving like a kid."

Wei Wuxian stares at his husband Lan Wangji, so his husband gets up from there and goes out to meet his family members.

Xie Lian is very excited so he comes to meet Wei Wuxian. He saw Wei Wuxian feeding milk to his children.

Xie Lian comes into their bed room coughing slightly. Xie Lian and Wei Ying were looking at each other.

Wei Wuxian got scared seeing a stranger, so he immediately holds his children tight.

Xie Lian smilingly tells Wei Wuxian, "There is no need for you to be afraid. I am not a dragon from this demon realm but I am a heavenly god. You do not need to be afraid of me because I am the heavenly omega emperor of Heaven."

Wei Wuxian is surprised to see him and asks, "What are you doing in the demon realm?"

Xie Lian replies, "I am married to the Alpha Emperor Hua Cheng here. He is the king of demon realm, and I am a Heavenly omega Emperor. We both live here easily and I have no problem living inside demon realm. My Alpha loves me very much, so Hua Cheng keeps all the demons under his control."

Wei Wuxian is surprised and asks, "You have come from heaven but you have married the Emperor of the demon realm. Has he ever harmed you?"

Xie Lian smiles and replies, "Hua Cheng loves me very much. He will never harm me. If anyone even tries to look at me in a wrong way, my husband Hua Cheng will gouge out his eyes."

Wei Wuxian and Xie Lian gradually became friends. Both of them were talking openly to each other.

Wei Wuxian starts showing his son Lan Yuan to Xie Lian how lovely his son is. Xie Lian picks up Wei Ying's son in his arms and starts playing with little baby Lan Yuan.

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