Chapter 20

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While Harry was at the Weasley's, Draco let himself into Grimmauld Place. He had work to do for Harry's other Christmas gift. First and foremost, he set up a small tree in the corner of the living room, because how could Harry not even have a small tree at Christmas time? The smaller gifts Draco had never had time to give Harry were piled under the tree, and Draco set off to work.

The vinyl Harry had made for him was brought with Draco, and he was singing and dancing along to Harry's voice. Draco made himself lunch, swinging his feet while sitting on the counter while he ate, taking secret pleasure in the action because he knew it bothered Harry.

Aside from Draco's secret project, he didn't want to do too much on the house without Harry in it. It was something they were doing together, and Draco loved every minute of it. The furniture Draco's mother had decided to take was all placed in a pile, neatly shrunk, and Draco cringed.

"Oh Harry my darling, we need to have a serious conversation upon your return."

They were going to move the furniture together, but it was dangerous to leave furniture shrunken down for so long as it could lose some of its initial properties. With a dramatic sigh, the floo flared to life and Draco began transporting the furniture. After the last piece was moved, Draco dropped onto the couch with a heavy sigh.

He would need Harry to help him restore the pieces back to their initial state, and he gnawed at his lip, wondering how long they had been shrunk. Draco needn't have worried for too long, as soon enough Harry himself appeared.

"Is everything alright?," Harry asked worriedly, looking over Draco as if to make sure he was still in one piece.

"Of course it is, why wouldn't it be?"

"I just felt a lot of pull and push within the wards."

"Actually no, everything's not alright because of what you did to the poor furniture! Come with me at once to unshrink it. Honestly Potter, you could be messing up its magical qualities and integrity! You have to be careful leaving things in an altered state for too long, darling," Draco finished gently, stepping through the floo once more.

"Oh, I'm sorry. But I don't think that's what I felt? It felt more like... I don't even know how to explain it."

"Explain it to me after we unshrink this furniture."

They accomplished things quickly in tandem, and for that Harry was grateful, as he had kind of rushed out of the Weasley's.

"It wasn't a bad feeling," Harry began once they returned to Grimmauld. "It was... a disturbance. Like I could tell that something was happening with the house you know? Not negative... but something."

"I think I know what you mean. That was part of your present," Draco replied, resting his hand on top of Harry's. "Let me show you."

"Why are we going here?" Harry asked in confusion.

"I wanted to fix this for you, and hopefully undo some of my family's past wrongs."

Harry gasped softly when he saw what Draco had done. Dropping to his knees, he ran his fingers over the tapestry, almost reverently over the photo of Sirius that was no longer scorched.

"I didn't know you could..."

"It took a lot honestly. I'm blood related, so I'm sure this is what you were feeling."

Harry pulled Draco into a soft kiss, trying to convey his feelings for the other man in his actions. He caressed Draco's face lovingly, and Draco gasped softly in Harry's mouth.

"My beautiful Draco, inside and out."

"All yours," Draco promised.

"How am I supposed to leave you now after this?"

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