attacked, <3 (finney blake!)

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(Tw: attempted r, sa, finney literally gonna get feral, violence, blood, scars)

You and Finn were walking to his house when it happened.The kidnapping. Finney attacked the grabber when he first took you out. When Finney woke up, he made sure you were okay first. He loves you very much that he would die for you. "Y/N!? Are you okay?" "Are you awake?" *checks your breathing* he soon calms down when he hears you breathing normally.Finney looked to the side to see, (that ugly, and musty ass man) the grabber. Finn pulls your body behind him, glaring at the man that's just sitting there watching every move you both do."What did you do to them." Finney yelled at him. He wanted to know that you really were okay. "Nothing at all, just gave them the same stuff to knock them out." The grabber said softly. Finney scoffed at the man at the way he was acting like he cares about you. Finn made sure you didn't have any bruises on you. He saw that you had a little bit of dirt in your face so he dusted that off. His eyes softened at the way you looked, but he quickly stopped cause this wasn't the time to be dazed. You woke up in Finn's arm confused and scared. You whimpered known pain as your side was hurting. "Y/n?! Are you okay?!"You nodded as you looked around to see where you were at. Your eye widened and you started to look around quickly. Your heart started pounding as you looked at the man that is sitting down in front of both of y'all "It's okay. It's okay. I'm here, I'll protect you okay?" You nodded as you slowly calmed down. Finn turned to look at the man. Your stomach had growled painfully as you hadn't eat much today. Finn looks at frowning at the face you made at your stomach. Finn then turns around to glare at the man still watching h them. Finney holds you closer to his body. "They're hungry. Give them food." Finn didn't even wanted be polite to the man who hurt you. "Sorry I can't bring you both anything to eat. You'll just have to wait." The grabber saidFinney's glare hardened. Right now he wanted to tear the bastard apart, but he couldn't cause he was also holding you. He didn't want you be scared here. He wants you to be safe with him right now with you in his arms. "Is there someone upstairs who will see you bring us food?" Finn questioned. Still holding you as you look anxiously at the man who still stares at you. "Don't worry about that." He said "If you weren't gonna feed them or me..then why'd you even come down here?" Finn asked suspiciously"Just to look at you both." He said, but mostly he was looking at you the most. Finn noticed this and push you farther behind him, blocking the man's view on your figure. The grabber clicks his tounge and gets up. Finn's eyes still on the man as he is walking out of the door and locking it. Time skip ⏭ You and Finn are sleeping when suddenly the phone rings. You grumble at the sound as it was annoying. Finn hold you tighter to his body as you move away from him. "Finney let me go please.." you grumble more. Finn shook his head no as he grabbed you more tighter. You sighed and surrender to Finn's strength around you. Both of you falling asleep.What you didn't hear, was the door unlocking. The grabber didn't know what was so special about you...but he liked how angelic you looked. He liked how perfect your eyes are shaped...he just likes everything about your scared figure. The grabber softly pulled you off of finn's grip. The grabber looked how beautiful you looked, he looked how peaceful you looked, how innocent you looked.He slowly put his cold hands up your shirt, seeing how you turned in your sleep while whimpering at the coldness you felt for his hands. You slowly opened your eyes not feeling the body warmth you liked. Your eyes widened at the fact the grabber looked like he was smiling at you wide awake. You were about to scream when he puts his hand over your mouth."Be quiet or I'll gut your pretty little body." He said quietly but creepily as he moves his hand down more to your pants. You start to tear up, praying that Finn wakes up to protect you. Finn always protected you like robin but never fighting. It was more of Finn dragging you out of trouble or getting hurt. He was always protective of you when you first met in first grade. The grabber slowly unbutton your pants as you close your eyes in fear. You started sobbing lightly praying Finn would hear it at least. "Don't cry, your too perfect to cry." He saidBefore he could even pull your pants down, Finn got on top of the grabber and started letting out his anger on him. He didn't care that he didn't know how to fight. He wasn't gonna let some disgusting man touch you like that. "DONT TOUCH THEM ASSHOLE!" Finn yelled while still punching him. Finn bites his ear as the grabber yells in pain and throws Finn off him. Finn gets up quick and runs to you pushing you behind him while getting in a stance to fuck this man up and glaring at him for touching you. If looks could kill, he would be 60 feet below you. The grabber glares at Finn while walking towards the both of you, Finn bull rushes him while you took action and kick behind his legs making the man hit the floor hard. He got in shock while Finn started punching his face repeatedly, he was filled with anger. He was full of rage. After the grabber had stop moving, Finn looks at you finally realizing what he did. Finn's knuckles covered in blood and his hair being sweaty. Finn gets off of him and makes sure you are okay mentally and physically. "N/n..are you okay? Did he touch anywhere else..." he says while buttoning your pants. He didn't like what he did to you. You shook your head no, still traumatized by the whole thing. "Cmon, let's go" finney said he couldn't believe that he actually fought someone, but right now all that mattered was you being okay and safe. Finn hold your hand, and drags you out to the opening where you could finally leave.

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