pumpkin carving, <3

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thank you all so much for one thousand reads on here, as well. using my own character for this one because i might start another story. her name is kate and she has the same backstory as my book ''irreplaceable.''

kate's pov:

''does this one look good?'' maddy asked me as she knocked on her pumpkin. ''yeah, does it have any mold or weird stuff?'' i nodded while mason came with his. he showed us, proud of his find.

we were all at the pumpkin patch, finding pumpkins to carve for a youtube video. ''landon, violet, did you finish picking yours? they're selling hot chocolate.'' maddy said to her younger sister and friend.

''yeah, can i get this one? it's thirteen.'' violet crept around the wagon and put it in. i smiled, ''sure. i have a hundred- my mom told me to pay.'' mason came over and slid his arm around my waist. ''hi mase, you having fun?''

he grinned and kissed my nose. ''mhm, but i want to grab some cider. are we still going to the campfire thingy tonight?'' he asked, referring to the fire at maddy and violet's tonight. ''yeah for sure.''

''hey, kate! let's take a photo!'' maddy shooed me and mason over and pointed to the cut out of a skeleton and a witch. ''okay, but you're the witch!'' i laughed while she pushed me.

we asked a woman to take the photo and after met with confusion. ''where did they go? i told violet to not get lost!'' maddy sighed.

''mads, they're probably getting drinks before the hayride?'' i remembered. ''oh, whoopsies.'' she shrugged. we laughed, linked arms and grabbed the wagon, pulling away from the photo stand.

invaluable, mason thames imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now