carving pumpkins, <3

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part two to the last one but before the campfire and after the hay right. location: maddy's downstairs living room.

kate's pov:

''okay hey guys! it's kate and I'm here with my beautiful best friend maddy and her beautiful sister, violet. also here with our friend landon, and my boyfriend mason- who is behind the camera getting the tripod.''

i introduced them to the video and got on with the introduction. i was filming a video where we all carve the pumpkins we got from the patch a couple hours earlier. ''oh wow, violet, your pumpkin is huge!''

landon exclaimed to the point where we all laughed. ''hey- i like it big.'' mason stiffed a laugh, eventually letting it out and maddy covered her face and laughed. the confusion on landon's face turned into a small smile.

''what? what did i say?''


''and, done!'' the time went off as we all put our hands up from carving any longer. mason let out a sigh of relief while coming up from the couch, shutting off his phone. he had been done for a while now. apparently, the one hour time was ''too much.''

''okay mason, you're being a dick we get it.'' maddy rolled her eyes and i laughed. ''alrighty! so we just finished our pumpkin carving and now we're doing tours of them!'' i explained, grabbing the camera off the tripod and bringing it over to my pumpkin.

the order of the table went me, maddy, landon, violet and mason on the other end. it was a long table that we could all fit an extra person if we wanted too. we needed all the space for the huge mess we all caused.

''okay guys, this is mine. we all had to carve out something that we enjoyed, by the way. i carved out the pinterest logo- i mean it's pinterest, who doesn't love it?'' mason booed, i shot him a glare.

''moving along, this is maddy's pumpkin. explain what you did.'' maddy smiled and waved at the camera. ''hey guys! i carved out a smiley face because i am a very smiley person.'' i grinned, ''mads i love it.''

''landon, what about you?''


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