Chapter 1

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You walk into the local tavern covered in goo, guts, and blood. Your brother, Jongho, follow right behind you, just as covered. You scan the inside looking for your contact but instead get noticed by someone else.

"Well, looky here. Y/ survived. How unfortunate." A voice says. You look over to see 3 familiar men sitting at a table in the tavern.

"Hongjoong......." you say annoyed. "Yes, still alive. No thanks to you. You stole the bounty and left us for dead!"

"It was one lonely tentaghoul........I knew your vedymin skills could easily handle it." Hongjoong smarted. You roll your eyes.

"ONE?!" Jongho exclaims. "Their was an entire group in that cave. We would've died if it wasn't for my sister."

"Maybe you should learn to fight. I don't a man. You should be protecting her, not her protecting you." Said one of the other men.

"Say that again, Wooyoung, and I will show you how much of a man I am." Jongho snaps back, getting aggravated.

"Don't make a promise that you don't plan to keep. I could use a good time. Gets lonely out there." Wooyoung snaps back with a smirk.

You could feel Jongho anger growing behind you. You turned in time to see his had changed into those of the bears. He was about to shift. You put one hand on his chest and the other holding his arm while the 3 man at the table came over to hold his other shoulder and arm.

"Jongho, no. Not here." You whisper.

"Breathe." Whispered the man. You look over at the man and mouth,'thank you'.

San. He was a part of Hongjoongs group now, but you two knew him before that. He was one of the few people who knew what Jongho was and didn't fear him. Truth was San had his own past to hide. He was a fallen soul. Very rare. He had been pulled, well.....more like yanked, from his eternal rest and brought back to this realm many, many years ago. Unable to reclaim his title of knights guard (having died) and no way to return to the eternal, he is stuck wandering the world.

San subtly nodded. Within mere seconds, Jongho returned to his senses. He looked at you with sad and worried eyes.

"I'm sorry, y/n." He says. You squeeze him arm gently, tell him it's OK. San walked back to his spot as Wooyoung watched with confusion.

"Who's side are you on, San?" He asked him.

"I'm on nobody's side but my own. I would just like to finish my ale in peace for once." San says, sitting back down and drinking from his pint. You turn back towards the table and walk towards them.

"Well, as much as I would love to see this play out and ultimately end with my brother kicking your ass Wooyoung, I have things in places it shouldn't be. Plus, I love my leather and don't need it stained with guts." You throw the canvas bag you were carrying onto their table. Out of the bag rolls the head of one of the tentaghouls.
You walk off to your room to clean up.

After a while, you are joined by your brother, with ale in hand. You are sitting on your bed, tending to the wound you received today. He hands you the pint.

"Here......after today, you've earned this." He says. You take it and quickly down the entire thing, handing it back to him.
He puts the empty pint on the table and sits on the other bed.

"You shouldn't let Wooyoung get to you. He's not worth it. He's always trying to get under your skin. He likes it when you react." You say to your brother.

"I know." He says sadly. "I've got to learn to better control my anger. I can't risk shifting in the open. I can't risk putting you in danger. If father was here......"

"Stop." You say quickly. You move and sit next to him, grabbing his hands. "Don't ever think like that. You hear me? Father would be proud of the person you have become. You saved me today. One of them had me around the throat. If not for you, I would be dead. Plus, you perfectly decapitated it so we could actually make some coin." You say with a smile. A grin creeps onto his face.

"Speaking of which....." He holds up a small bag, shaking it. The sound of metal clanking is heard. You take the bag, opening it, pulling out some coins.

" Have I told you how lucky I am to have you as my brother."

"You really are." He smirks. You put the coins back into the bag, closing it up.

"Oh, and when I was downstairs, I might have overheard Hongjoong talking about their next job. Was thinking it might be time for some sweet revenge." He added.

"We should probably just steer clear of them for a while. Was thinking maybe we could head to Menave for a while." You say. You stand up to head back to your bed.

"It involves the Gyiffn sword." He says.
This stops you.

The gyiffn sword. A sword that has been infused with glyphs and dark magic. Said to glow green. It hasn't been seen in centuries. Can supposedly destroy anything it pierces. The story is the last person who carried the sword, a cleric for the high council of Endril, who went mad from the power of the sword. The magic in it fuses with the welder, and they become almost possessed by it, unable to absorb all the power flowing into them. The cleric went on a rampage. Once he was finally taken down, the sword was not in his possession. It was gone. At least that is the story. Rumors of its location have been passed around for years. No one ever found anything. The last rumor was about 4 years ago that a blacksmith had it. Ended up being false. So when your brother mentioned the name, you knew you had to listen.

You sit back down your bed.
"I'm listening." You say to him.

"Apparently, his contact has information on the swords whereabouts and is willing to pay a hefty amount for it to be brought to him." He explains.

"How much?"

"500 thousand sils (the currency of this relam)" Your eyes widen.

"We would be set for life......" you say.
He nods. "What information did you get about the location?" You ask.

"Apparently, it's in the possession of the Dega cultists in the old Mohn prison."

"Of course it is." You say with a sigh.
"Out of everyone, it has to be those psychopaths.........Hongjoong and them are going alone? They trying to get killed?"

"San said Delban (the cult leader and strongest among them) is gone, and the number of cultists guarding Mohn is minimal. It's the perfect time to hit it." He explained.

"Well, if San says that, then I believe it." You say throwing yourself back on the bed.

"So?" Asks Jongho.

" better get some rest. I need you at full strength tomorrow." You say to him. He smiles like an excited kid and lays down. Within minutes, he was asleep. You, on the other hand, lay staring at the ceiling. Being vedymin, you didn't need much sleep. Sometimes you would go days without it. Instead, you ran through the days events in your head. You also ran through the possibilities for how tomorrow could go. After a while, you decided you needed to walk and clear your mind. You ended up in front of a door to one of the other rooms at the tavern. You knock.
The door opens.

"We need to talk." You say to the man at the door. You walk in the room.

Destiny of Hunters - (Ateez Y/N POV)Where stories live. Discover now