Chapter 7

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**⚠️Fake Violence ⚠️**

Your party was gathered just outside of town.

"Remember to stick to the plan. If anyone gets pinched, head to Grindor's. I've already given him a heads up that if we show up, we need a quick out." You explain.

"Man, why am I always stuck with taking out the guards. The uniforms are always so itchy!" Wooyoung complains while scratching. Him and Jongho are dressed in the local guards' uniform, the ones they stole last week, to be exact.

" don't have to do it." You tell him.

"Really?" He says suspiciously.

"Yea, just give all your stuff to Seonghwa. That includes you powders. He will take out the guards." You say trying to bait him. It worked.

"Are you kidding me?! Trust my combinations to that lunatic?! I've seen what he's done with my powders before. He's liable to blow up half the town just because he wanted to "test a theory.""

"Hey! I resent that." Seong says, shoving Wooyoung's arm.

"Woo, you will be fine. Just don't think about it." Jongho tells him.

"Ok, enough. Guys, let's get this done fast and quiet." Hongjoong exclaims. Everyone nods and heads into town. As you headed towards the entrance for the undercroft, everyone stays close enough together to where you can see each other, yet far enough apart that you wouldn't be noticed as traveling together. At one point, you each break off, taking a separate route to the undercroft as you start to gain some suspicious looks by guards passing by.

Yeosang, on the other hand, headed to a guard tower just west of the entrance. He headed around to a side of the tower, not visible to anyone on the street. He shoots an enchanted arrow with a rope attached, just under a small window about halfway up the wall. The enchantment made the arrow able to pierce the hard stone, anchoring it to where Yeosang could scale the wall. Once inside, he made his way up the staircase till he came to the door at the top.

He placed his ear against the door, listening to the subtle movement of guards on the other side. He was able to tell their were three he was going to have to fight.

Yeosang is one who can fight and will have your back if needed but will try every other option their is before killing someone. For these guards, he hopes they can just be knocked out. He kicks open the locked door and quickly runs at one in front of him. He jumps at the wall to avoid one of the other guards, bouncing off, as if he was a ball, towards the original target. As he does, he manages to get the guard between his legs and flip him hard to the ground. The impact was hard enough that the guard was out cold. 2 left, and he was right in the middle of them. They run at him, and he flips out of the way just in time. On the table next to him was one of the guards' helmets. He picked it up just in time to use it to block a sword. He kicks the guard in front of him, causing him to stumble back. He then proceeds to swing the helmet, hitting the guard in the head, knocking him out. The last guard was to his right a few steps. He starts to come at Yeosang, and Yeosang throws the helmet at him as a distraction. The guard easily knocks it out of the way. Yeosang quickly evades the attack, sliding behind the guard, kicking him from behind. The guard stumbles onto the table as Yeosang comes from behind, grabbing his head and slamming it down on the table. The table breaks, and the final guard is out cold.

He stands up, brushes himself off, and walks to the window that faces east. He has a good view of the enterance, ready to signal if he notices anyone coming. But something catches his eye. To the left of the window hung a wanted poster and a letter. The poster was one of his party members. He stuffed them both in his pocket and went back to keeping an eye out. Shortly later, he watched the party line up alongside the closest building, just out of view of the two guards standing at the entrance.

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