Chapter 11

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You and Jongho had made the long ride to Noram. Sense the moment you were within the distant farms of this town, you were on your guard.

Noram was not very big but was known to be one of the suppliers of the king's grain. Finding the hidden treasury among the numerous farmhouses was proving to be much trickier than anticipated. After scouting 4 farmhomes, you were about to call it a night.

"There has got to be a better way to approach this than blindly looking." Said Jongho annoyed.

"If you have a better idea, by all means......I'm all ears." You say annoyed back.

"Let's just stop for today then. We can start back up tomorrow." Jongho suggests. You take a deep breath and sigh.

"Yea, alright."

As you head near another farmhouse, near the forest edge, to set up camp, you hear horses approaching.

"Maybe the information was wrong." Says Jongho. You notice that the horses cresting the hill were wearing the official seal of the king on their halter. You shove Jongho behind a nearby tree.

"Geez, no need to get angry at me." He says. You glare at him while pointing at the horses, pulling a wagon carrying 2 of the king's guards.

You watched, carefully hidden away, as the wagon comes to a stop in front of the farmhouse. The guards hop down from the wagon and walk around to the back. They lift a covering, revealing a large chest. Each guard grabs one side and walks with it to the wall of the farmhouse. They set down the chest, and a guard knocked 3 times on the wood. A ripple is seen going down the wall and suddenly opens up, revealing a door. The door slowly opens, revealing another guard inside. They take in the chest and shut the door behind them. The ripple closes back, returning to its facade.

"Well, that might be an issue." You say.

"You think! Besides the obvious magical barrier, it has a door that can only be opened from the outside." Jongho says in anger, walking out from behind the tree. His face had begun to turn red.

" Okay, you just need to breathe." You say trying to calm him.

" Breathe?! How can I just -" You quickly yank him back behind the tree as the guards come back out. The wagon begins back down the road towards town.
" Well , now what are's supposed to do? I really doubt they're just going to let us walk right in." He says quietly. You look at the wagon departing once more.

" Now we improvise." You say pointing at the wagon.

Carefully, you trailed the wagon back to town. It comes to stop and the guard's head inside a building. A pub, to be exact, and one that is known to be a gathering place for crown sympathizers and a place that the guards love to frequent. You may be wanted, but you are in desperate need of information.

You and Jongho approach carefully on your horses. You tie them up across from the pub for a quick getaway. You both begin to remove your armor, that way, you would appear less suspicious and more like a common citizen. You place yours in Jesper's saddlebag.

Once inside, you find the 2 guards from the wagon. One of the guards is up at the bar, while the other is at a table chatting up a barmaid. You gesture in the way of the table. Jongho understands and nods. He sits nearby to easedrop. Youtube the guard that was up with the bar, sitting next to him, hoping to gather some intel. In a place like this, you know there is one sure way to get a man like him talking about himself, and that was the one way you despised the most. You gesture to the man behind the bar, who gives you a pint. You set a couple of sills on the counter and quickly down the pint. You slowly turn to the guard and smile.

Destiny of Hunters - (Ateez Y/N POV)Where stories live. Discover now