Chapter 5

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"Wait........ Giants are just myths. They're old stories that were meant to scare kids into keeping off the dangerous mountain sides......right?" Jongho questions.

"Myths form from facts......Giants were very much real, Jongho. They were very intelligent, immune to almost all disease, and lived for hundreds of years. They were also impossible to kill as any human weapons were useless against them." Seonghwa explained.

"If they were so resilient, what happened? Where did they all go?" You asked. Seonghwa took a deep breath and began explaining the demise of the Giants.

"During the 6th age, humans had been dependent on giants to help them survive. Humans were still young. We learned how to hunt, cook, and build from them.

By the end of the 7th age, humans were thriving. The population exploded, causing a great expansion in the world. Humans explored and built village after village. But this came with a price. They pushed off anyone or anything that was there before them. This became true with the giants as well. Having believed they had learned all they could from them, slowly they driven from their homes where the humans were. Eventually, the giants were pushed to live in the harsh mountians, killing many in the process.

During the rule of Breken, the once peaceful & pacifist race decided that they had had enough and chose to fight for the land they once had. They went to the extreme. Every village they came across, they burnt to ash, leaving no surviors. They wanted to eliminate all humans.We were losing hundreds of innocents a day to the
nearly indestructible beings.

Then Gyiffn Sword was created by a spellcaster and a master blacksmith. It was made of the mythril, the strongest metal in the lands. Then runes were engraved into the blade, giving it an incredible strength. Finally, the spell caster fused light magic into it, boosting the power, making it unstoppable. The power will destroy
anything the sword pierces,
as you all know. That turned the war in our favor.

By the end of the war, the humans had succeeded in destroying all but a handful
of them. The main force of Breken's army had them entrapped in a cave. The giants
fought till their last breath. One by one, they were taken down until one remined. The last remaining giant actually managed to destroy quite a few soldiers
including the general who carried the sword but not before being mortally wounded. He barricaded himself into the room that held the source of magic for the giants. That orb the cultists used. Another reason they were as close as they were. Anyways, the giant used this magic to infuse his soul with the sword. He placed the sword on the alter and then, in his last breaths, recorded what transpired. The entire cave then caved in, taking the
remaining soldiers with him.

The location of the cave was lost for years until the creation of the prison. When they cleared the cave of rubble, they found the record of what happened and what he did with the sword. But the sword was never recovered. The alter was never found......"

"Till today, it seems." Added Jongho. Seonghwa continued.

"And now we know why we are having such issues trying to break the spell. The room was a hidden and sacred room where they performed their scarafices that gave them their magic. The alter was loaded with what I like to call magic overspray. The magic they obtained from the scarafices was focused into the orb in the outer room but not all of it. Some magic 'spilled out' durring this process and collected into the alter. This made the spell the giant did twice as potent. That is why anyone who holds the sword appears possessed. They are. Because now the giants soul that was fused has become a fallen soul and feeding off the holder's soul. He takes control of the holders body with the purpose of completing what the giants started. To wipe all humans. But that's not the big problem."

"How could their possibly be something worse than all of this?!" Hongjoong asks.

"The giants soul is not only feeding off his soul, but it has tied itself to it. That's why when you removed the sword from his grip, he went into the state he is in now. You broke the physical connection, but not the magical. So, his body in not in contact with the sword so he can't be possessed but this means the giant can't finish his mission and instead is taking what he can get, which whoever that holder was."

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