Chapter 6

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-3 years later-

You and the others now live, hidden, in the middle of Sundon Forest. You are still not entirely sure how they got a tall house built here. You all live here together like one crazy family. Yeosang, who you met years prior, now lives here as well, fully part of the group. Everyone took him under their wings when he came to you for help. Clearly, everyone's favorite.

Seonghwa and San get along most days. Even Jongho and Wooyoung have become closer. Course that just means they mess with each other more. Hongjoong, and you even get along for the most part. You just have to keep letting him think he's still in charge. You've done well over the last few years. You survive working job to job, usually helping those in need. Occasionally, you do still steal things, but it's usually from those causing evil in the world.

Hongjoong recently picked up some intel about an item called the Scepter of Adnell. It's being held in the castle undercroft of the neighboring town. Now, why would you steal this? It has no magical properties. We'll, let's just say the lord of this town deserves to have it stolen. He sits behind his stone wall while his people eat rotten food and struggle to survive. You steal this, and it will fetch more than enough sill to provide food for the town and keep you all well for months.

Everyone was gathering in the main hall of the house to go over the plan to get into the castle.......everyone except three. The three who are always late.

"Where are they?" You asked, annoyed. "It's not like they didn't know we were doing this. The last thing we need is the ruckus like last time, and we need to enforce with the one who caused it.......who's not even here!"

"They're probably where they usually are." San replied. He was sitting at the large table. Seonghwa came in and took a chair at the table as well, next to Hongjoong, who had a map of the castle, among other papers, scattered in front of him.

"Of course they are there. Jongho has been working on that spell I gave him." Seonghwa explains. You rub your hand over your face and sigh. Then it hits you. If Jongho is practicing his new spell, then Wooyoung is helping him. Your eyes widen, and you turn to Hongjoong. He sees the worry.

"Calm down.....I took all his poisons before they went," he said, moving some parchment. He looks back up at you and is met by anger. "What?!" He asks, confused.

"If my brother gets hurt, I'm murdering yours," you say, pointing at him. You head towards the front door to go get them.

"They better look out. Mama bear is mad,"
Hongjoong tosses in.

"You're so hilarious!" You yell in annoyance as you walk out the door.

You follow a path that is lit by lanterns, down along the stream. After a few minutes, you come to an area that has been cleared of trees. Targets are scattered around the edge. It was a place made for weapons and spell practice. Somewhere safe. Jongho is standing in the middle, with the other 2 nowhere in sight.

"Ready?" Said a voice as you got closer.

"Ready!" Replied Jongho.

"Aim......Fire!" The voice yelled. With that, an arrow shot at Jongho from a nearby tree. Jongho throws his hand up in front of him, and the arrow hits an invisible shield that's around him. The arrow ricochet off the field and comes straight at your face. You quickly snatch it in your hand, inches from your nose. Still holding the arrow in front of your face, you peek your head around your fist, staring at Jongho. He looks at you, eyes wide. Suddenly, from the trees, out comes Wooyoung.

"Oh my god! That is so amazing!" Wooyoung said, bouncing towards Jongho like a happy little kid. "You could use that as a weapon along with protection....time it just right and....." Wooyoung mimicks the ricochet of the arrow, turning towards you. "Hey y/n!" He says like nothing happened.
You drop your arm looking at him, annoyed.

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