Chapter 12

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You feel the cool rush of wind across your face, along with the sound of the leaves, as you brush past. At the same time, a warmth radiated from below you.You don't have the energy to even open your eyes, so it is unknown where you are or who you are even with. But you're trying to recover from what happened so you could care less at the moment.

The movement stopped, and your body started to slide to one side. You fall with a thud onto the cold, hard ground. Suddenly, something cold & wet begins nudging your face. It takes you a bit, but you eventually start to open your eyes. You focus on your surroundings. The sun illuminates the tree canopy above you, with the blue sky peeking through.

As you look at the trees, a familiar face appears over you. Jongho.....but not as himself. He had shifted to his bear form. You assumed that's how you must've escaped. Your throat still burns from the smoke. Still not fully recovered, you shut your eyes once more from exhaustion.

Unaware of what is happening. Jongho begins to nudge you again, this time in a more forceful manner. After no response, he hit you with his paw on your stomach. This shoots you up, grasping your stomach in pain.

"What the hell?!" You say looking at Jongho. You notice the look of concern. "Geez, I'm fine......I just needed a minute."
Jongho rubs his cheek on yours.
"Help me up?" You ask. He lowers his head, and you slide your arms around his neck. He lifts, helping you to stand. He then walks past some trees and is out of view.

Moments later, he returns in human form.

"I can't believe he tried to fireball me! And after all that, 'oh, we don't need to fight'.....blah blah blah. Just who does he think he is?!" You say irritated, leaning against a tree. Jongho walks over to you.

"Calm down. It's not like this is the first time someone has tried that......shoot even though I thought of doing it a few times." Jongho smarts off. You scowl at him.

"That's isn't the point......if you're gonna try to kill me, then just do it! Don't stand their talking......What happened to the old days when you just killed someone? Now it's like everyone has a damn monolog." Jongho just rolls his eyes.

As you stand there, the fight replays in your mind. Something was different, but you couldn't place your finger on it.

Jongho stares off in the distance.
"You got lucky." He says, not moving his gaze.

"Really? You do know it's still me were talking about. You really think he would've done any damage?" Jongho's gaze finally turns to you with an annoyed look. "What?" You ask. He pointed his finger in the direction he was looking. You turn and notice a bit of smoke rising from the grass. The two of you walked towards the spot.

"Is that a-?" Jongho starts as you two stare down at the spot.

"A footprint?" You finish as you crouch to get a closer look.

"Great....just one more thing we don't need. Is it not bad enough that the king is coming after you again?! Oh! And that we lost the crown, the ONE thing that could stop him, outside of killing the bastard....." He says, becoming frustrated.

"Jongho...." You look up at him, attempting to get his attention.

"And the one who NOW has the crown has the unpredictable chaos magic!"

"Jongho...." You say again, calmly.

"WHAT?!" He yells. You give a look of 'um, excuse me'. "Sorry." He tells you.

***A Quick History on Chaos Magic***

When one has the gift to use magic (not everyone does), it starts off as a 'seed' inside the person. Over time, as long as the person works to grow it, it will become greater. Just like everything else, their is a light and dark side to magic. With each side, there are many different branches that the magic can break off into depending on what that casters' source of magic is. For light, you have sources that include nature (elemental magic), the gods (holy magic), and prayer (healing/white magic), among others. On the other side, for dark, though their are only 3 true dark sources known to date, the magic is usually deadlier. These are the demons(blood magic), the soul (shadow magic), and emotions (chaos magic).

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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