Chapter 3

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**⚠️ Fake Violence Warning**

Two hours have passed when you finally wake from your nap. Slowly, you rise to the side of the bed. You stretch as you watch your brother fiddle with a pack. "Everything gathered and ready to go?" You ask him.

"Yep." You yawn at his reply. "As soon as you are fully awake." You roll your eyes.

"Ha ha, so funny. What are you doing here? Clearly, you should've been a bard." He throws an apple at you, hitting your shoulder. "Hey!" You exclaimed.

"Be glad I saved you anything." He smarts back. You take a bite, sticking your tongue out at him.

"We'll leave here in a bit. I'm going to see if Hongjoong is ready to go." You say standing up, taking another bite.

"They already left." Jongho says.

"What?!" You say about choking.

"Bout an hour ago."

"Why didn't you wake me?!" You yell. "God, they are just trying to get themselves killed, arnt they?!" You throw the apple on the bed and get dressed in record speed. "Come on! If we hurry, we might be able to catch up before they do anything else stupid."

After traveling about 15 miles, the prison slowly comes into view. It was built into the base of Mount Mohn. But the extreme weather changes here killed many, so they abandoned it. Now it's one of the homes of the Dega Cult. These psychos worship the demon Dega and have made it their life's mission to return him to the world. Let's just say that he was banished for a reason. Hopefully, San's Intel was right, and they place will be lightly guarded. Otherwise, you are all in for a world of trouble.

The horses could sense what you could. Their was a foulness in the air. A dark energy that stunk of death. They refused to go closer. You dismounted. No tracks anywhere. No sign of Hongjoong or their horses. Something didn't feel right.

"Maybe we got here first?" Jongho suggested.

"We would've seen them." You say.
"No..........something else happened." Your senses are heightened and on full alert. "Set up the beacon for a quick out." He reaches into his saddle bag and pulls out what looks like 2 ordinary rocks. He puts one in his pocket, and the other he grips in his hand, holding it close to his body. He whispers something, and a symbol lights up blue on it. He tosses it to the ground nearby. The symbol was a portal glyph. When both stones are 'activated', you can travel between the 2... provided you are in close enough range. Even magic has its limits. It's perfect for a quick getaway and has saved your butt more than a few times.

You pull out black cloaks from your saddle bag, throwing one to Jongho. "Here, put this on......with any luck we can sneak in, unseen. Be ready, though. Things may get ugly, quick."

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" He asked, putting on the cloak. You give him a solem look.

"It's Hongjoong. When do things ever go right?" You say to him.

You head down the deep stone steps into the abandoned prison. This place was built into the mountain and held some of the most dangerous and notorious criminals. They made it to where there is only one way in or out to prevent escape. One day, everything went silent here. The local jailer found everyone, guards and prisoners alike, dead. It was rumored something dark resided here and took its revenge when its home was disturbed. After that, it was left empty until the Dega Cult took it as one of their homes. They figured that the darkness here will help them achieve the ultimate goal in bringing forth Dega. For years, they have tried, and for years, they have gotten nowhere. But don't let that fool you. They are violent and deadly and more than willing to kill and be killed for their mission.

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