Chapter 2

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**⚠️Smut warning**
**⚠️choking trigger warning**

The door closes behind you.
"Well, this is a nice surprise. Was wondering if we were going to have some fun tonight." Says the man as he makes his way in front of you.

"Not why I'm here, Hongjoong." You say to him. "Do you truly plan to hit Mohn just the three of you?" He rolls his eyes.

"Jongho.......he always has been nosy."

"I call it aware of his surroundings......even if the guards are minimal, you know how insane they are. Don't you remember Getryn? We (you and him) only had to deal with 3 of them, and we still barely made it." You recall.

"Well, if you would've cast the protection sigil over us like I said we wouldn't had been in that mess."

"Me?! Who's the one who knocked over the shelf when we were sneaking out of their? Who's ever heard of a loud rogue?!"
You were both getting annoyed with each other. The breaths from both of you, heavier now. "Just tell me you're not the dumb Hongjoong."

"We will be fine......but it is nice to see you are concerned for me." He says, moving behind you, coming closer. You could feel his breath on your neck.

"Don't flatter yourself. My concern is for San."

"Right, I forgot. Your kind are freaks. They dont feel emotions." You knew what he was doing, and you let him do it anyway. Just like Wooyoung. No wonder they get along.
You turn around and glare at him with your black eyes. (Your eyes turn completely black when your vedymin powers "turn on")
"Their she is. Theirs the Vedymin Hybrid."
You blink, and your eyes return to normal.

"I really hate you."

"No, you don't. We have too much fun together." He says, pulling you into a deep kiss.

He was right. You didn't truly hate him. Despised, maybe. Wanted to punch him for all his comments, most definitely. But he was attractive and you were only human.....well you know. You had needs. Anytime you were in the same tavern, the same thing happened. You ended up in his room for the night and hoped you got back before Jongho woke. He understood but hated that it was always Hongjoong. After all, he was a smug ass. But Hongjoong was right about one thing. Vedymin didn't feel emotions. At least not the normal deep emotions like normal humans. Anger, lust, vengeance, of course. But things like love, like truly in love, doesn't happen. Your father was an exception to the rule. When he went through the process as a child, it only mutated half of his genetics, so he was mostly human. Felt all the emotions with all the power of a vedymin. That's what made him a great leader. Being born with the vedymin genetics, sense this had never happened before, no one knew what it would hold for you. To this point, your emotions were more like that of a normal vedymin. More cold and abrasive, with the exception being your brother. You were warmer with him. You loved him but knew it wasn't the extent he deserved, but he understood. With that, you never expect to find love like your father. You accepted being alone, wondering the world with meaningless nights, and that didn't bother you one bit.


Hongjoong slowly slid down your wrap, exposing only your breast. You slide his shirt off of him. He agonizingly, slowly and softly, bushes his fingertip across you nipples as he moves around behind you. You desire more connection. Knowing this, he decided to play with you a bit to see how long you could handle it. He began by very lightly kissing your neck, moving down to your shoulder and collarbone. That is one of your most electrifying spots, and he knows it. So you're only getting little sparks for now. This was torture. You've withstood being captured and surviving some of the deadliest monsters when you shouldn't have made it out alive.......but this. This man. No matter how insane he made you, and even sometimes untrustworthy, in these moments, you forgot all that. He slides his hand down, resting on your mound. You fight the best you can to not buck into his hand. Don't want him to have the satisfaction, but he can feel you tense.

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